My Wedding Album
My Family Album
My Childhood Album

You may like to see the history of my
greenhouse nursery business in pictures.
If you have ever been to my plant shops,
you know me as "Judy" of Judy's Violets.

Here is a photo album of my
favorite plants and flowers
that I grew in my nursery.

Or maybe you would rather
see a slide show of my
favorite plants and flowers
that I grew in my nursery.

You could look at a photo album
of our pictures that we took
when we lived in Germany.
These were copied from slides.

You might enjoy seeing our photo album
of our pictures that we took
when we lived in Guam.
These were copied from slides.

Maybe you would enjoy listening
to my music collection.

I made some applets
for you to enjoy.
Click on the Lake to see more Applets.

You might enjoy seeing
my artwork.

Here is my
Thanksgiving Card to you.

I made some
Christmas presents for you.

I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Please sign my guestbook below,
before you leave.