Centennial Weekend
Sunday, October 30, 2005

         After many months of planning and preparation, the final Centennial Celebration Service took place on a beautiful sunny day.

Click each photo to enlarge.

Pastor Dave Johnson greets guests of the Sunday Service.

Long-time Usher Lawrence Mosley welcomes life-long member Robert Nitteberg.

Congregational President Peter Midgarden rings the bell announcing to Silverhill Zion's Centennial.

Ernest Burnett lites the candles.

         During the Processional, the original wooden cross used in the early church worship servies was carried down the isle to the altar.

Ernest Burnett carries the wooden cross.

The Processional.

The Invocation.

Peter Midgarden reads the Bible Lessons.

         A special Centennial Choir sang just before Association of Free Lutheran Congregations President Pastor Robert Lee gave the Sermon for Reformation Sunday worship.

Pianist Shirley Stephens.

Choir lead by Cindi Johnson.

Pastor Lee.

The Offering.

         Organist Michael Coleman composed an original hymn for the event. Andy Chambers accompanied him on the trumpet.

Organist Michael Coleman.

Andy Chambers.

Mack Gibbs offers the Prayer.

Pastor Dave begins the Communion Service.

         Flutist Cindi Johnson and pianist Shirley Stephens performed during the communion service. Pastor Lee ended the service with a Benediction in Swedish.

Cindi Johnson and Shirley Stephens perform during the communion service.

Pastor Lee ends with a Swedish Benediction.

The Recessional.

Pastor Robert Lee and Pastor Dave Johnson.

         Pastor Dave Johnson and Pastor Robert Lee greeted the members of the Centennial Celebration congregation as the service dismissed.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

Sunday Service.

         Clifford Utter displays his Cradle Roll Certificate of 1925.

Clifford Utter displays his Cradle Roll Certificate

Clifford Utter displays his Cradle Roll Certificate

Cradle Roll Certificate

A potluck dinner was served after the morning worship service.

         The Sunday Worship Service was followed by a potluck dinner in the new Fellowship Hall next door to the historical Sanctuary.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Pete Midgarden displays the gift Pastor Dave Johnson and wife Cindi gave to the church.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner.

Pastor Dave Johnson and wife Cindi give a gift to the church.