Swedish Lutheran Zion Church
In August 2004, Zion opened its new Library/Museum. Thanks to Ernie and Henrietta Burnett for locating and displaying many artifacts dating back to the early days of “Swedish Lutheran Zion Church”.
Click on each photo to see it larger.
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
Commemorative Plaques at Zion Lutheran Church
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
 Zion's Museum
Confirmation Classes at Zion Lutheran Church
 1918, Mabel Swanson, ? Olson, Mildred Paulson, Student Pastor Arnold Nelson.
 1920, Esther Hoff, Jeanette Boss, Myrtle Boss, Agnes (s.P.) Johnson, (Dr.) Grace Anderson, Mildred Mohe, Finn Nitteberg, Sigrud Heni, Rev. John Benson.
 1922, Ruby Ledeen, Ruth Johnson, Harry Heni, Ernest Wigstrom, Axel Rundquist, Elmer Erickson, Gustaf Hoff, Rev. John Benson.
 1923, Edith Olson, Ebba (Olive) Olson, Evelyn Ledeen, Pearl Norden, Vera ?, ? ?, Alvin Peterson, Rev. John Benson.
 May 31, 1925, Frances Anderson, Norman Johnson, Ruth Wallendorf, Rev. E. Oscar Johnson.
 1928, Grace Norden, Avea Engstrom, Beatrice Anderson, Harriett Norden, Victor Aldeen, Ted Ledeen, Rev. E. Oscar Johnson.
 1930, Vida Norden, Anna Engstrom, Eleanor Olson, Muriel Olson, Bertil Engstrom, Robert Ledeen, Donald Armstrong, Rev. E. Oscar Johnson.
 1936, Vivian Erickson, Doris Erickson, Gladys Erickson, Hariett Ledeen, Oscar Utter, Frank Anderson, Eskel Olson, Henning Olson, ? Ernst, Student Pastor Thure Johnson.
 June 22, 1941, Clifford Utter, Elida Utter, Ella Olson, Carl V. (Bud) Olson, Rev. Anderson, Aina Olson, Charles Norman.
 March 29, 1953, Judith Hallberg, Elizabeth Kinard, Caroline Hauge, Arlene Kinard, Oscar Hauge, Bill Blair, Eric Hallberg, Jr., Christine Blair, Walter Brown, Jr., Freddie Kinard, Rev. Walter M. Brown.
 1956, Nancy Kinard, Thomas Kinard, Ralph Utter, ? Koch, Jerry Frolik, Joey Frolik, Mr. Lawrence Moseley, Rev. F. Counts.
 1965, Freddie Langenbach, Reuben Norman, Carolyn Moseley, Jimmy Kubina, Judy Comstock, Floyd Hallberg, Toni Langenbach, Rev. A. Suechting, Johnny Langenbach.
 Photo front reads: Ronald and Gary Kubina Confirmed by Dr. Troutman, July 4, 1976. Back reads: March 26, 1978. Rev. Charles Jolliff is standing in center.
 Sep. 30, 1981, Rev. Charles Jolliff, Patricia Hogue, Latricia Hogue, Bishop Gerald Troutman.
 June 30, 2002, Austin Gibbs, Rev. Hoefercamp.
 1930?, Sunday School Teachers, Eleanor ?, Mr. From, Ruby Ledeen, Mrs. Paul Anderson, Evelyn Ledeen, Beatrice Anderson.
 1930?, Church and Sunday School. This photo was taken the same day as the photo on the left.
 1936, Church and Sunday School, Rev. S.P. Samuelson. This photo was taken the same day as the 1936 Confirmation photo was taken above.

"For och Nu" by Alfred Chilady (Circa 1918?)
Zion Lutheran Church's Neysa Utter of Silverhill was going through some old boxes of artifacts from husband Ralph Utter's mother, Agnes Johnson Utter. “Those boxes have been in storage forever,” she noted. These boxes have history in them, because Agnes was a daughter of civic booster Oscar Johnson, a Silverhill founder in 1896 and later, Mayor of Silverhill.
The century old manuscript discovered in 2006, written in Swedish concludes with, "we
live well here in Silverhill." Local poet Alfred Chilady may have
crafted this poem for an unidentified publication. The manuscript and
its translation by Donald Johansson of Robertsdale are displayed in the
Zion Lutheran Church museum.

Scanned Page
"For och Nu" by Alfred Chilady (Circa 1918?)
"Then and Now" Translated by Donald Johansson
 Page 1
Vi äro har en koloni
Och den ar svensk och vill sa bli
Vi ha rojt land och hus vi byggt
Vi tro pa Gud och lefva tryggt
We are here in a colony,
And it is Swedish and shall so be.
We have cleared land and built houses.
We believe in God and live securely.
Fran flera hall vi kommit hit
Och kopt oss har en jordavit
Var egen bas man vara vill
Och ha ett hem I Silverhill.
From many places we have come here
And bought ourselves a piece of land.
One wants to be one’s own boss
And have a home in Silverhill.
Fram smalands bygd ar mangen har
Han alltid godt sig reda plar (?)
Och skaningar det finns och knallar
Och hvad man an dem kallar
From the Smaland area are many here.
He is always coping very well.
And Skanes there are and “Knallar”
Or whatever else you call them*
Ja har bor John och har bor Lars
Och stundom traffar man en mas
Och alla ha de godt humor
Och ingen “blame” (?) dom derfor
Yes, here lives John and here lives Lars,
And now and then you meet a “mas”,
And everyone is in good spirits,
And no-one blames them for that.**
 Page 2
Men nu sa har vi creamery
Och dit med mjolken kora vi
Och tank so snart en manad gar
Nar den ar slut man pangar far
But now we have a creamery,
And to that we drive with our milk--
And imagine, as soon as a month has passed,
When it is over you get paid!
Till soderns folk vi redan gett
exempel uppa idoghet
Nu vill de har det liksom vi
Moderna hus att bo uti
To the Southern people we have already given
Examples of industriousness.
Now they want, just like us,
Modern houses to live in
De hade hus af timmer byggt
Och omkring dem var icke snygt
Och spiseln den stod utom vagg
Och bockar hade langa skagg
They had built houses out of timber,
And around them wasn’t pretty.
And the stove was out-of-doors,
And the goats had long beards.
Pa husen hade de val tak
Men fonster – var en annan sak
Som de ej brytt sig mycket om
Af dumhet eller fattigdom
On the houses they had roofs,
But windows – that was another matter.
That they hadn’t cared about,
Out of ignorance or poverty.
 Page 3
Och jorden brukte de med slarf
De hade plog men ingen harf
Och plogen var ej tung ej lang
De kallar den for buletang (?)
And the land they used recklessly.
They had plows but no harrows,
And the plow wasn’t heavy or long;
They called it “buletång”.
Ej soderns son gar kladd I ---
Men kvinnor lagga snus pa lapp
Behof en stora aga de
De vilja ej ha allt de se
The son of the south does not dress in ***,
But the women put snuff on their lips.
They don’t have very big needs;
They don’t want everything they see.
Ty har de frock och har de beans (?)
Och snus det uti burken finns
Fornojda kanna de sig da
Och bara le och skratta sa
Because if they have clothes and beans,
And there is snuff in their jar,
Then they feel satisfied,
And only smile and laugh.
Lik Abraham hvar ---
Guds altare han byggde nog
Och ---
De vill till herran ge sitt pris
Like Abraham whose [ ? ]
God’s altar he built,
And [ ? ] goes in such a way.
They want to give their praise to the Lord.
 Page 4
I borjan sag har annat ut
Da fanns det svin med lang en snut
Man razor back dem kallade
Ej manga aro nu att se
In the beginning it looked different here.
Then there were pigs with a long snout.
Those were called Razorbacks.
Not many of those are now to see
Men vi ha fatt en annan ras
Den slagta vi och ha kalas
Nar som ett ar har gatt sin rund
Da vaga de tre hundra pund
But now we have a different breed
That we slaughter and have a feast.
When a year has come to pass
Then they weigh three hundred pounds.
Att har fans hastar det ar klar
Men allt gick har med sakta fart
Det har nu blitt en annan stil
Nu aker man I automobile
Of course there were horses here,
But everything moved in a slow pace.
Now there is a different style;
Now you travel in automobiles.
Det fanns val kor med langa horn
Men folket lefde in den tron
Att mjolk till ingen nytta ar
Och mjolka det var stort besvar
There were some cows with long horns,
But people held the belief
That milk was of no good use,
And milking was a great difficulty.
 Page 5
Och kyrkor ha vi det ar visst
Bad Luthersk, Mission och Baptist
Och goda tal musik och sang
Det fa vi hora gang pa gang
And Churches we have, that’s for sure!
Both Lutheran, Missionary and Baptist,
And good sermons, music and song
We get to hear time after time.
Det klubbar finns med sitt bestyr
Foreningar der som man syr
Det sista som jag sakert vet
Ar roda korsets verksamhet
Clubs there are with their hustle--
Organizations where you do sewing.
The last one I know for sure
Is the activity of the Red Cross.
Och denna tidning kommer hit
Och den studeras har med flit
I “vanners” spalt jag namna vill
At vi ma godt I Silverhill
And this newspaper comes here,
And it is studied very carefully.
In the “friends” column I want to mention
That we live well here in Silverhill.
*Smaland is a region in southern Sweden. “Skanes” comes from the region of Skåne in the very south of Sweden, and “Knallar” is a traditional name for trades people from the region of Västergotland.
**Mas is the traditional name for someone from the Swedish region of Dalarna.
*** Probably something that a woman wears.