Christ Lutheran Church Members
Visit Zion Lutheran Church

Ralph Utter meets Christ Lutheran Church visitors at the Zion Church door. Ralph (l to r) greeted Rita and Jerold Shepherd, Cathy and Gary Groff, and Mrs. Dittman and husband Pastor Robert Dittman - January 29, 2006.

     Christ Lutheran Church of Pascagoula, Mississippi has been hard-hit by Hurricane Katrina. Zion Lutheran Church has extended a bit of a helping hand. On Sunday morning, January 29, 2006, Christ Church's President Jerold and wife Rita Shepherd along with Vice President Gary and wife Cathy Groff and Pastor and Mrs. Bob Dittman visited Zion and shared coffee fellowship with us.

Christ Lutheran Church Members at Zion
January 29, 2006
Click to enlarge each photo.

Ernie Burnett (l to r), Ralph Utter, Bob Nitteberg, and Gust Utter greet visiting Christ Lutheran Church President Jerold Shepherd.

Zion's Council Chairman Pete Midgarden exchanged greetings with Christ Lutheran Church's President Jerold Shepherd.

Pastor Bob and Mrs. Dittman. Pastor Bob helped Zion with its worship needs about ten years ago after Zion was pursued its independence from its former synodical affiliation.

When there is an opportunity to pursue worship, it's important to focus on those hymnal words!

Christ Lutheran Church Visit
February 17, 2006
Click to enlarge photo.

On February 17, 2006, Rita Shepherd from Christ Lutheran Church of Pascagoula escorted work coordinator Dennis Holman (AFLC Minneapolis' Hope Lutheran Church) for a brief visit to Zion. His Minneapolis congregation has been helping with Katrina Disaster Relief in the Pascagoula parish. Zion and Hope share concerns for their Mississippi sister Lutheran congregation.

Christ Lutheran Church Visit
March 23, 2006
Click to enlarge photo.

Mike Phillips (l) from Hope Lutheran Church (AFLC Congregation in Minneapolis, MN) has been doing post-Hurricane Katrina work in Pascagoula's Christ Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod). Rita Shepherd (r) viewed the Mississippi and Alabama coast damage and tourist sites briefly with Mike before his return to Minneapolis and stopped off to bring greetings from Christ Lutheran to the folks at Zion (AFLC Congregation in Silverhill, AL). (Zion has been supportive of recovery efforts in Pascagoula.)

Click here to read more about Hurricane Katrina Damage at Christ Lutheran Church.

Click here to read more about the Hurricane Katrina Ministry at Zion.