Zion's Messenger
Volume 13 Issue 4
April 2008
“Consider the Vision
as Fellow Workers!”
Daniel 9:23 - “At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision.”
Exodus 33:13 - “Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.”
2 Corinthians 1:17, 24 - Therefore, when I was planning this, did I do it lightly? Or the things I plan, do I plan according to the flesh, that with me there should be Yes, Yes, and No, No?” … Not that we have dominion over your faith, but are fellow workers for your joy; for by faith you stand.
How It Happened.
It was “Camp Dixie Sunday,” March 2, 2008. Ernie and Henrie Burnett gave Cindi and me a ride to Camp Dixie’s Chicken Fellowship. We were riding along and just talking when the subject turned to the growth in Baldwin secondary to events in Mobile, e.g., ship-building again becoming a part of the economy, the building of the German steel plant in north Mobile County, and the recent winning of a contract to build air-tankers in Mobile. We already know that Baldwin will exceed Mobile County in population in less than 10 years. So, Ernie rather innocently asked, “Should we not be thinking about a church in north Baldwin?” Well, I thought, shouldn’t we?
What Zion Lutheran Did in the 90s.
Historically in the late 80s and early 90s Zion was directly or indirectly involved with at least three and maybe four different church plants. All of them were south of I-10. Nobody has looked north, but at this point in time, growth is going to be going on there.
Talking with Paul Nash.
I discussed these factors with Paul Nash, the Home Missions pastor for the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. He has been to our congregation before, during the time of our withdrawal from the ELCA.
When I laid out the economic growth and population projections for Baldwin County, Paul asked just one thing. Would we at Zion pray about what the Lord wants in Baldwin County?
How Do You Do Church Planting?
Why would Pastor Paul ask a thing like that? Could it be scriptural? Some of you will remember outreach work in the late 80s and early 90s. Don’t you arrange a place, get a bunch of hymnals, and just go? Well, maybe you do, but let’s take a look at the Bible and what it says about planning.
Seeking God’s Understanding.
The prophet Daniel was a man of dreams and visions. He often understood their meaning and God used him to present God’s will to important people in Babylon. But there were times that the meaning of events and dreams were simply not understood. Such is the case of Daniel 9:23, so Daniel prayed to understand. This verse tells us that God sent an angel to give him the understanding he sought. That understanding did not arrive right away, because there was spiritual interference. The angel bringing the message actually had to fight his way to Daniel. Hard decisions are not just our decisions. They come with spiritual implications.
Seeking God’s Guidance.
We think of Moses as a strong leader of the Jewish people as they left Egypt, but he had his problems too. He wanted to know who was going to help with the process of taking over the Promised Land. He talked to God about it in Exodus 33:13, asking for God’s guidance and assistance. The Bible says that Moses met God face to face, and Moses asked God.
Recognizing Who Steers the Ship.
The Apostle Paul was writing to the Corinthians and was talking about planning. He mentioned something very important concerning the way we put our plans together when it comes to involving God. Our plans need to be real, no namby-pamby, but yes or no. They need to be clear cut BECAUSE you and I are God’s fellow workers, working for the Lord Jesus Himself in our spiritual matters. In terms of northern Baldwin, the sense of 2 Corinthians 1:17, 24 is that we want to be on the same page of faith as the Holy Spirit is. To stand in faith means to seek the Leader’s direction for the workers.
Will You Join Our Congregation in Prayer?
So, here’s our task. We do not want to plan for church planting in north Baldwin. What we want to pray for is God’s direction, the Holy Spirit’s leading, as it comes to the area north of I-10. Pastor Nash just asks, will we pray? So let’s seek the Lord’s leading in this matter. Tentatively, Paul will visit and do some exploration of possibilities for an AFLC church in that area sometime in April. Us? We pray. OK?
~Pastor Dave
Easter Sunday Photos
Good Shepherd Lutheran School
April 2008
The children will be learning several parables that Jesus used to teach his people. Among these will be The wise Man, Faith Is like a Mustard seed, and the Parable of the net.
Ms. Charlene’s Class
This month’s theme begins by exploring the beach, sand, seashells, and crabs. They will also study things in the water such as coral reefs and the ocean floor.
Ms. Stockwell’s Class
This month they will be studying about the season of spring. They will also be investigating insects and other creepy crawlers.
We will be having our annual trike-a-thon the week of April 7-11. Trike-A-Thon is a fun program that exposes children to proper trike and bike safety habits. It educates parents and children about the importance of riding safety and raises funds to fight childhood cancer.
Thank you for all your support! God Bless,
Ms. Stockwell and Ms. Charlene
God’s Loving Kindness
in the Morning
Click here to read more about the
Radio Ministry
WHEP Radio AM 1310
8:34 AM Weekdays
6:44 AM Sundays
Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity
1st “Lutheran” Home is Completed
The Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity Lutheran Home is now complete and dedicated! The Kyles family has moved in are enjoying their wonderful new home. Saturday, March 8 was a great day for Tesa, Cameron and Channings. The keys to their beautiful new home were given to them along with a Bible and quilts for each bed made by special donors.
The home was then blessed, room by room, by seven Lutheran pastors. These pastors represented the four synods in Baldwin County. Over 90 people arrived at 8:30 AM to be present for this special evnet. The Lutheran Thrivent Build brought so many Lutherans together to accomplish a common goal--Build A Home!!
God provided everything needed for this Build, materials, money, gifts in kind, supervision, food, fellowship, winter visitors from around the country as well as many, many local volunteers. A total of 216 different volunteers, of which, 118 Lutherans and 72 which were also Thrivent members for a total of 2865 volunteer hours.
Tessa, Cameron and Channings Kyles at their new home made possible by a Thrivent Financial Grant and 216 volunteers, including participants from all 12 Lutheran congregations in Baldwin County.
A special gift from God came on Tuesday, March 4 when 14 students on spring break from Michigan State arrived to help us build. Their adult coordinators were Bill and Melissa Keenoy. Bill is a masonry contractor. One of the last two major, back breaking tasks to be completed was to build the forms for a driveway and sidewalk, grade the area and prepare for the concrete to be poured. Bill and seven students accomplished that task on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The other big task was grouting and cleaning the 1100 sq. ft. of ceramic tile floors which the other seven students handled What a feat--but you must remember, these are young backs and knees!!
What a blessing but this is how things happen when God is allowed to be involved. As coordinators, we cannot thank each of you enough for your support, willingness to serve, enthusiasm, gifts and prayers. Without you and, of course, Thrivent's financial help, this would not have happened.
Submitted By
Ned and Janice
“Cast not away, therefore, your confidence,
which hath great recompense of reward.
For ye have need of patience that,
after ye have done the will of God,
ye might receive the promise.”
~ Hebrews 10:35, 36