Zion's Messenger
December, 2003
Volume 8 Issue12

From Pastor Dave:

Remembering at Holiday Time

Ge 9:16"The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth."

Ps 20:7Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

2 Ti 1:3I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day.

Looking for Rainbows

Have you noticed what we like about Christmas and New Years? Yes, we remember Jesus and the manger. Yes, we remember the changing of the calendars. But more than that, have you noticed what we like about Christmas and New Years? Think about it: Greeting cards! Those greeting cards are directed to people we want to remember and to those we want to remember us. Sometimes we use small gifts for the same reason.


We want to remember because the past doesn't change. It is always there, locked in time. That is comforting. Unfortunately time passes. Change comes. Comfort passes. We become sentimental as we look to the past or are reminded of the past.


I have gone back into our archives for some Christmas memories for Zion Lutheran Church. There is not a whole lot there. The body of believers at Zion fell into the same pattern as the rest of Christendom. That is, let the "season" speak for the fellowship. Today we talk about "Christ" being taken out of Christmas, and the result is a secular "mess." But there are a few records that are very telling concerning our past at Zion.

Remember A Time When Everything Was a Bargain

In 1914 Pastor Swanlund received $26.15 from the Ladies Aid for his services that year and a Christmas gift of $5.07. He came down from Thorsby, north of Montgomery, to preach at Silverhill on some kind of schedule beginning in 1913. In 1916 the Zion Lutheran Church Sunday School was formally organized even though it had been ongoing from 1906. By September 1916 we find 22 students in four classes, the smallest with four, the largest with 13 students. The average Sunday offering for the month was 48 cents. Class books cost 30 cents, "Children's News" cost $1.33, and the "Olive Leaf" cost $1.32. Sunday School Record books cost 60 cents and Bible Stories cost $1.25. Twelve cents was expended on postage and money orders. That is for all Sunday School expenses, not just per student! And right in the middle of these records is Christmas! Christmas materials cost $1.99. Pearl Swenson, Alvin Peterson, and Mabel Swenson had perfect Sunday School attendance. On a sadder note, early church benefactor John Elfstrand had good attendance, but his attendance then falls off abruptly in 1917, perhaps arguing for the beginning of health problems. You may remember John for his support of the first church building two years before with around a $1000.

Remember A Time When Home Was So Close

Then comes 1919 and Zion's first full-time pastor, Pastor John Benson. The congregation could remember Christmases past, particularly those in the Old Country. For the first time in Silverhill, can you imagine having a "Lutheran service at Christmas"? The Swedish tradition of Julota was celebrated Christmas morning and there actually was a children's program on Christmas Eve. And, of course, there was "a beautiful Christmas Service." [Andersen, Mrs. Trygve. "Zion Lutheran Church Will Mark Its 60th Year Sunday." [no newspaper source], April 28, 1966] You see, memories of the Old Country were brought into the present with those first Swedish Lutheran Christmas services. "Remember me to the old folks at home," a line from a sentimental Swedish lyric, strikes a note here. The Swedish Lutherans could remember home and Christmas like it used to be.

Remember A Time When Everything Was Busy

The only other archival information related to Christmas comes in 1958. The women that year were concerned with donating accessories for the two new restrooms in the church. That makes those indoor bathrooms in the back of the church only 45 years old. The Ladies Aid worked with the Choir and Luther League to develop an organ fund. But now for Christmas! Donations were sent to the Old People's Home in White Rock, SC, and Christmas baskets were prepared for the needy in Silverhill. That was the year that Zion Lutheran Church rejoined its Augustana roots in the merger of the Augustana Synod with the United Lutheran Churches, resulting in 40 congregations in Georgia, 16 in Alabama, 16 in Mississippi, and 26 in Tennessee.

Remember Christmas

Do you see what happened? Right in the middle of merger and busyness comes Christmas, and the church fellowship looks at community and regional needs. Christmas is like that. Yes, we remember the past, that thing within us that remembers the way it was. But then comes the present with its needs and the focus.

Remember God's Only Son

Jesus Christ is the focus in Christmas.We remember a sentimental past when we were figuratively with a loving Father in a perfect place, the Garden of Eden. A lot of sin has flowed under the bridge, so to speak, since our parents, Adam and Eve, were expelled from the Garden. The world is not the same place since that time. For our early pioneer ancestors in Silverhill, it was like that. Sweden and "the old folks at home" were not bad, actually pretty good when looking back. But thousands of miles and lots of degrees separated the past from the present. The people at Zion Lutheran Church were able to look at the past but live in the present. Jesus Christ is like that--in the past, but also in the present. Do you see how the fellowship of believers took on Christ's concerns for the world in its caring in a time of change back in 1958?

Remember As Our Zion Church Fathers Did

Here we are, half a century later after 1958. We have a mix of people in our congregation from diverse places. We have a world in turmoil because of terrorism. We look for a safe time to remember, a past we can revel in. But Jesus Christ wants us to remember the present as well. It is nice to remember beginnings. It is nice to be sentimental about family times in the past. But there is a time to move on. Jesus, right there in the Garden of Gethsemene, dealt with this very issue. Life was okay, even good at times, something to hang on to. But our Heavenly Father wanted Jesus to move on. The task of becoming our propitiation, the covering for our sin, had to involve Jesus Christ and a cross. Jesus's words, "Not My will, but Thy will"--remember them. Those words began at Christmas with God's Gift to humankind in a stable. And 33 years later they brought Jesus' commitment to follow through with the Father's plan.

Remember, But Go With Christ

So here we are at the end of 2003 and at Christmas. Like the rainbow in Ge 9:16, we can look at the Christmas ornaments and be reminded of the Father's covenant with His people. Things change and we do not live in the past even when we might like to. Our trust cannot be in the past or in the resources we have relied on in the past. Our trust must be in the same Heavenly Father that gave us our Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, we can remember our Zion forefathers, but we must remember the present and pray for God's people today, whether they are in Silverhill or Iraq or anywhere in the world. Let's remember Jesus Christ this Christmas.

~Pastor Dave

NOVEMBER 7, 2003

The regular meeting of the Zion Lutheran Church Council met in the new fellowship hall on Tuesday, November 7, 2003 at 7pm. Those present were Linda Gibbs, Vera Avera, Charlie Canning, Darlene Tasso, Ralph Utter, Pete Midgarden and Loreli Walker. Chairman Midgarden opened with prayer.

The secretaries report was presented, corrected and accepted. The treasurers report was presented, approved and accepted. Building Report-- Charlie Canning gave the final report on the building, both on the completion of the building and the financial report. We all thank him for a very good job.

Furnishing Committee-- Vera Avera reported that Darlene has found the exact chair to add to the one's that we have. They will be ready on the 7th and will cost $40.00 to deliver these from OEC Office Supply. $600 allotted includes the delivery. Charlie Canning made a motion to buy the stove for the kitchen, Linda Gibbs made the second and motion carried. This will come from the memorial fund designated for the Building Fund. The gas heater will be removed from the old kitchen.

Hazard Insurance--It was voted upon to increase the coverage on the Sanctuary from $100,000 to $150,000, contents is $25,000, the new building coverage is $120,000, contents $10,000. This includes $1,000,000 Liability, $5,000 Medical, $1,000,000 Clergy Professional Liability . Premium is $1453.00. Linda Gibbs made the motion to accept, Charlie Canning second the motion, it carried.

Dedication of the new building and rededication of the old will be held November 22 & 23, 2003. Pastor Lee will be here for this. Saturday the building will be open for contractors, dignitaries, visitors, refreshments will be served. Sunday will be the dedication at morning worship with a dinner following.

Linda Gibbs is working on the "Support Our Troops" project, with the schools and businesses. Charlie Canning made the motion that the church furnish the postage to send the package, Darlene Tasso second the motion and it carried.

Tentative date of the 100th Anniversary is Reformation Sunday 2005.

A cleaning guide for the new building has been posted. Check list of supplies needs to be updated.

A formal plan for Sunday School is underway.

Finances of the Church was discussed. A new treasurer report format will be used now that the building is complete.

With no further business the meeting was closed with the Lords Prayer.

~ Submitted this day by Loreli Walker, rec. sec.

Church Council

The church council of Zion Lutheran Church meets at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday following the first Sunday of each month. 2003 Council members are: Pete Midgarden, Chairman; Darlene Tasso, Treasurer; Loreli Walker, Secretary; Linda Gibbs; Ralph Utter; Vera Avera, Charlie Canning. All members of Zion are invited and encouraged to attend council meetings.

Thanks from Dornow Family

Ed Dornow thanks the congregation for flowers sent in memory of his wife Jessie. He was comforted by his family in New York at Thanksgiving, under the difficult circumstances of Jessie’s funeral. He appreciates the congregation’s continued prayers and support as he moves forward in faith to rebuild his new life.


Sunday School 9:00

Sunday Worship Service 10:00

Wednesday Advent Vespers 7:00

Altar this month: Loreli Walker

Schedules, Events and Activities:

Wed Dec. 3 Advent Service 7:00 PM

Thur Dec. 4 Decorate Church 9:30 AM

Fri Dec. 5 Christmas in the Park - Zion Open House

Sun Dec. 7 Reader: Bettina Langham; Prayer: Mack Gibbs; Communion

Tues Dec. 9 Women’s Meeting 10:00 AM - Council Meeting 7:00 PM

Wed Dec. 10 Advent Service 7:00 PM

Sun Dec. 14 Reader: Margaret Stephens; Prayer: Pete Midgarden

Wed Dec. 17 Advent Service 7:00 PM

Sun Dec. 21 Reader: Gibbs; Prayer: Charlie Canning; Communion

Wed Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service7:00 PM

Thur Dec. 25 Christmas

Sun Dec. 28 Reader: Diane Pellman; Prayer: Mack Gibbs; Cake & Coffee after service

Church Cleaning Schedule

Dec. 6 Pitcher

Dec. 13 Engel

Dec. 20 Gibbs

Dec. 27 Walker

December Birthdays

Dec. 9 Tom Stults

Dec. 14 Alma Schmitz

Dec. 16 Betty Pitcher

Dec. 19 Ella Kubina

Dec. 27 Mack Gibbs

December Anniversaries

Dec. 23 Ralph & Neysa Utter

Dec. 27 Lawrence & Lillian Moseley

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus..” Philippians 4:7

Twas the Night Before Jesus Came

'Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house
Not a creature was praying, not one in the house.
Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care
In hopes that Jesus would not come there.

The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And Mom in her rocker with baby on her lap
Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.

When out of the East there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray
I knew in a moment this must be The Day!

The light of His face made me cover my head
It was Jesus! returning just like He had said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.

In the Book of Life which He held in His hand
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said "It's not here" my head hung in shame.

The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to His Father above.
With those who were ready He rose without a sound
While all the rest were left standing around.

I fell to my knees, but it was too late;
I had waited too long and this sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only I had been ready tonight.

In the words of this poem the meaning is clear;
The coming of Jesus is drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call
We'll find that the Bible was true after all!

copyright © 1993 Bethany Farms, Carrollton, IL

2004 Offering Envelopes

New offering envelopes for 2004 are now available. The new envelopes can be identified by the color of the number. The color for 2004 is light GREEN.

The number color for 2003 was light Blue. And if you have Red numbers, you are using even older envelopes.

It is important to use the correct year’s envelopes to avoid the problem of having duplicate numbers.

If you have questions about your envelopes, check with Darlene Tasso, Treasurer.