Zion's Messenger

Volume 9  Issue 10
October 2004

Be A Friend

Matt. 28:19 - "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."--Jesus Christ

     What an intimidating translation of what we call the Great Commission! You see, in Greek you don't have to have verbs. You have to have verbals--but these don't translate exactly into English very well because English requires subjects and verbs in every sentence. What this verse translates most literally, is this idea: "As you are going in life, you are making disciples and baptising them--it is part of your living." Unfortunately, we have the idea that somehow you "zap" a person and MAKE him or her a disciple. Making a disciple is not something WE do, but that doesn't mean that the Holy Spirit cannot use us in the disciple-making process.

     Many of us have been disheartened, because we've seen from our own experience that bringing someone to Christ doesn't work like that. So what does work in terms of evanglism, that is, "making" disciples? Enter here, Jim Rassmussen! Zion Lutheran Church will host Pastor Jim, the AFLC Director of Evangelism, in mid-October. He will present a workshop on "Life Style" evangelism entitled, "Be A Friend!" You see, friends care for friends. They care about them and their spiritual lives. And Pastor Jim will share about sharing the Gospel with people in our lives, with both our friends and with our acquaintances.

     The last time Zion Lutheran Church was involved in real evangelism was a week in 1957. Zion even had an Evangelism Committee. People were excited. The women were thinking about reaching out--the Ladies Aid was working toward an addition to the Sunday School room. The church was trying to become more friendly. In just one year they would have bathrooms in the church! They anticipated problems with growth. Ralph Utter, Oscar Swanson, and Mr. Cook were asked to look into getting an electric fan for the church. They would be talking about that first addition, the kitchen and fellowship area in the old church. And they would have that done in just a few short years.

     It has been a while, but we at Zion still want people to know Jesus Christ. The Lord has blessed our congregation with a new building and some new events and activities. Let's pray for Pastor Jim and his visit to Silverhill in a couple weeks. And let's put aside a few hours on Saturday, October 16, to learn what we can do to share our faith in a non-confrontational manner. (Yes, let's have that coffee and that light lunch on Saturday, but let's look forward to Sunday morning and a potluck as part of Pastor Jim's workshop as well.) Pastor Jim may surprise us with some sharing strategies that will serve your church AND your friends and neighbors very well.

~Pastor Dave

Evangelism Workshop
October 16-17

“Life Style Evangelism” workshop at Zion
on October 16 and 17, 2004.
Click here to read more.

Little Whitney Fundraiser

     Zion is sponsoring its 2nd Fundraising Event for Little Whitney Fritz, niece of Darlene Tasso. Whitney suffers from Scoliosis/Kyphosis and Restrictive Lung Disease. With the help of our fundraiser in 1999, she underwent a newly developed Titanian Rib Implant surgery at age 3. Now 8 years old, Whitney’s 16th surgery was this past August. Surgical “expansions” are required every 6 months until Whitney is fully grown, costing $30,000 to $50,000 each time. Travel costs from Illinois to San Antonio for the surgeries each 6 months incur additional expenses. There is no indication that insurance coverage status will change even if the procedure is approved by the FDA and ceases to be “experimental.” Checks may be written to Zion Lutheran Church, PO Box 266, Silverhill, AL 36576, and designated for “Little Whitney Benefit Fund”. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will match funds received with 50 cents for every dollar (up to $600). Deadline for receipt of donations to qualify for matching funds is October 31, 2004. Other churches and individuals are invited to join this special fundraising event. Click here to visit Whitney’s website.

Luther’s Wisdom on
Justification by Faith:

“When by the Spirit of God, I understood these words, ‘The just shall live by faith,’ I felt born again like a new man. I entered through the open doors into the very Paradise of God!”

     ~Martin Luther

September 7, 2004

     Council Members Present: Pastor Dave, Darlene Tasso, Pete Midgarden, Ernie Burnett, Charlie Canning, Linda Gibbs and Vera Avera. Absent: Loreli Walker.

     The meeting was called to order by Council President- Pete Midgarden at 7 pm. Pastor Dave gave a devotion from II Corinthians and opened with a prayer.

     Treasurer's Report: Darlene presented the books for August. A motion was made, seconded and accepted to accept the report as presented.

     Committee Reports: 

     Building Committee: Charlie presented his findings on several different storage sheds. Ernie Burnett made a motion to purchase a shed for $1,800 (excluding tax). Seconded by Vera. Motion carried.

     Ernie reported a 2nd bid was received on the outside windows from Mitchell Construction, in the amount of $3,000.

     Museum: Ernie says the museum will be open for Heritage Day. Items in the museum will continue to be used in the church. Charlie made a motion that refreshments will be served at the church open house. 2nd by Darlene. Motion carried.

     Old Business: Linda made a motion that we review the constitution and By-Laws and table further discussion for a called meeting. Ernie 2nd the motion. Motion passed. The Council will table the subject of a membership list for consideration at the specially called Council Meeting.

     New Business: A person has volunteered to pay for a sidewalk on the south side of the church property, with stipulations that a parking diagram be implemented.

     Charlie made a motion that a fundraiser be held for Whitney Fritz. Linda 2nd. Motion passed.

     Pastor's Report:

  1. Pastor Conference will be Jan 17-21, 2005
  2. Annual Meeting will be January 23, 2005
  3. Missionaries Dyruds will be here on 9/19/04
  4. Evangelism Workshop 10/16-10/17 , led by Pastor Jim Rasmussen. E-Devotionals will coincide with the event.
  5. Pastor gave website update and statistics.
  6. Men’s 710 attendance has decreased a little.
  7. Pastor was unable to meet with the Principal at Silverhill School due to conflict in scheduling. Needs of our local community school are unknown. We do have a list of needs from the new Lutheran elementary meeting in Summerdale.
  8. We have less than 100 centennial coins left. Council will order 1000 more.
  9. There was discussion regarding a financial workshop proposed in January after a Sunday service by Thrivent rep Doug Powell and new rep from Daphne. The Council feels that Sunday should be reserved for worship alone, and any "business" or quasi-business should take place on other days.  The church therefore would prefer any presentation at another time. 
  10. The Council will consider a Mission Conference for 2005, perhaps in the spring. Pastor Dave has been in contact with Pastor Gene Enderlein, who might come down and talk about the school program and needs of the Indian Lutheran church.
  11. Gulf Publishing yellow page ad has been updated with our web address and our street address, which will allow an accurate map to be accessed via the internet. No added costs will be incurred.
  12. Sidewalks in Silverhill should be done this fall. Suggestion was made to start a “Silverhill Walkers Club” and possibly a coffee can donation each week for Heart to Heart in Robertsdale.
  13. Letters have been sent to visitors and Swedish Consul. Pastor has been looking for a possible sister church to connect with Swedes. Possibly will try to identify the church that Oscar Johnson came from.
  14. Pastor has ordered business cards.
  15. Linda will pick up some voter registration forms for the church.
  16. “Lutherans for Life” information was passed to Linda.
  17. Cookbook that was done in 1978. Suggestions were made to scan it and put on our website or re-print it.

     The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted by,
Darlene Tasso, acting Secretary

Only you are my Lord! Every good thing I have is a gift from you.

Psalm 16:2b CEV