In the Silverhill Library, written on the inside cover of the book, "A HISTORY OF BALDWIN COUNTY", by Kay Nuzum, is written the following inscription:

         To the Silverhill Library, March 1971, on its 64th Anniversary.

         How Silverhill got its name (pp. 111 & 112) is not truly authentic - therefore I write it here as givern to me by Negro cook (Aunt Chloe) at the Old Daphne Normal 1912 and by a grandson of the man who owned all the land between Black Water and Fish River, of which Silverhill became a part.

         Aunt Chloe"s Story: When she heard that I was from Silverhill she said, "That's where I lived after the Civil War, and when I went with my parents up "the Hill" to get their pay in Silver Money. They worked in the forest gathering pitch and rosin from the pine trees and brought it in to the Turpentine Still up on the Hill, to the north of where Silverhill Oscar Johnson Memorial Park is now."

         Mr. Hughie Lowell"s Story was quiet similar to that same story. His grandfather owned the land and the forests and that Turpentine Still - and it was his grandfather that paid his workers with Silverhill Money, up at the Tupentine Still up on the Hill. -

Louise J. Lundberg / Mrs. George