THE EARLY DAYS, continued
On December 1, 1909, Rev C. H. Ekblad and family arrived from Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The work went forward during his leadership from 1909 to 1911.
In October 1911 Rev. Carl G. Johnson was called as Pastor, serving until 1913. Church officers during 1911 were: J. A. Edfelt, Secretary; N. P. Linden, Treasurer; John Gustafson, Sunday School Superintendent; and Anton Pearson, Young People's Leader.
The Edward Johnson family moved to Silverhill from Omaha, Nebraska, in 1912. Ed Johnson was active in church work and was elected Sunday School Superintendent. August Pearson was elected Young People's Leader. At the February business meeting it was decided to purchase lots from Oscar Johnson on which to build a barn to keep the horses and buggies out of the weather during church services. Our activity center (multi-purpose building) occupies these lots today.
During the year 1913 John Gustafson served as Chairman of the Church.
It was in December 1914 that Rev. C. F. Walberg arrived with his family to serve as Pastor. He served faithfully intil 1920 when he and his family moved to Florida. Annual pastor's salary increased from $400.00 to $600.00 during this time. The Cedarlunds from Chicago were received into the Church by letter.
Our Sunday School and Church services were discontinued for the first three Sundays of January 1919 because of the influenza epidemic that spread across the nation. Evangelist A. Ericson conducted special services in March and April of 1919, and in November of the same year Rev. Nygren was here for evangelistic meetings, with Harry Beckman as music director. At this time $195.50 was contributed to the Judson College Fund.
In July 1920 Rev. Eckblad was called as Pastor for the second time. With his four years of leadership the work progressed in many ways. This was a bright year -- three gas lamps were purchased, which was a great improvement over the kerosene lamps.
In September 1921 the Church purchased a new piano at a cost of $364.41 and 51 new song books for $29.04. Until this time the organ had been used.
With the Beckman family living in Silverhill it was possible for their son, Harry, and wife to visit frequently. His talent for singing and speaking was a blessing to us all.
Pastor's salary at this time was $624.00 per year.
Pictured is the Baptist Church and Parsonage about 1922. The Mission Covenant Church can be seen to the far left. Click to enlarge.
In 1922 the church buildings were brightened with a new coat of paint, at a cost of $152.28. In 1923 a new shingle roof was added, which assured the members that they could come to church rain or shine and not get wet. This required 33,000 shingles at $6.00 per thousand or $198.00.
Electric lights were installed in 1924 at a cost of $180.00.
It was in October 1924 that Rev. Charles Palm and his good wife and daughter came to Silverhill. He served as Pastor until June 1929. He had been to Silverhill in 1903 for the dedication of the church. Rev. Palm was a great worker with young people and put new life into our Baptist Young People's Union (B.Y.P.U.). There was never a dull moment with Pastor Palm.
We had received some support from the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board, but during Rev. Palm's term this was no longer needed, and we have been self supporting since that time.
In 1926 the Edhegard family arrived in Silverhill. He and his wife had served as missionaries in the Belgian Congo.
Pictured is the Edhegard Family in Silverhill, Dec. 28, 1926. Pictured back left is Rev. Palm, right, Sixten; front on left is Grace Esther, Ruth, Mrs. Palm, Grace holding Tina, Agnes and Conway. Click to enlarge.
During 1927, 100 new Harvest Hymnals were purchased at a cost of $40.00 plus $2.81 Postage. New, comfortable pews also were purchased. Pastor's salary at this time was $1,020.00 per year.
In 1929 Rev. G. A. Dahlquist was called as Pastor. He served until February 1936, after which he and Mrs. Dahlquist retired, making their home in Silverhill.
During 1930 our sanctuary was moved 18 feet east, as it was found that it had been built on the street right of way. N. P. Linden was appointed to this job, with the help of his two sons, Lester and Robert, and Mr. Edward Johnson.
Rev. Harry Aronson Served as Interim Pastor during the summer of 1936. He was active and did good work.
In July 1937 Rev. C. W. McCann and family moved to Silverhill to carry on the work, serving until May 1946. Rev. McCann was a gifted singer and directed the church choir and a community choir. After ten years of service he retired, and he and Mrs. McCann made their home in Silverhill.
Rev. Nygren served as interim Pastor during the summer of 1946. Mrs. Nygren was active in the music program. At this time the Church voted to call Rev. Donald Ekerholm as Pastor. Rev. and Mrs. Ekerholm were a gifted couple, with Mrs. Ekerholm working in the music program and other departments. Rev. Ekerholm was active in community affairs and taught school in Silverhill. He was capable and always willing to serve at any occasion when called on.
Not much has been said about our faithful ladies in the Church. It is remembered of one Mother saying, "I dag skall jag ga til syfereningen", which means, "Today I am going to the Ladies Sewing Society." This was a missionary society which met for devotionals and study. The women sewed for the needy; if they sold an item, the money would go to help with the work. This society later became the "Ladies Aid" and a few years later a Woman's Missionary Union was organized. Our women have always been faithful in our Lord's Work.
Pictured is the Ladies Sewing Circle at Mrs. Amanda Sten's home about 1900. Click to enlarge.
Our Sunday School conducted a Daily Vacation Bible School during the summers, had an annual picnic which everyone enjoyed. Special children's programs were held at Easter and Christmas.
The Baptist Young Peoples Union met every Sunday night and also took charge of every fifth Sunday night service of the Church.
Sunday morning services were conducted in Swedish until 1930, after which all services were conducted in English.
The music program has been a very inspiring part of our services. Some who have contributed faithfully to this program during the fifty year period are:
- Alva Gustafson (Pearson)
- Anna Pearson (Norman)
- Helen Gustafson
- Alice Gustafson (Rosain)
- Anton Pearson
- Helen Johnson (Skoglund)
- Violet Gustafson (Linden)
- Marjorie Rundquist (McCann)
- Lillian Beckman (Ostlund)
- Florence Cedarlund (Forland)
- Dorothy Pearson (Kanne)
- Mrs. Dahlquist
- Mrs. Ekerholm
- Axel Rundquist - who was the Choir Director for many years
A faithful staff of Sunday School Teachers made it a pleasure to serve as Sunday School Superintendent, a post Bob Linden held for 22 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Bob" Linden. 1996
Oscar Olson served many years as Sunday School Secretary and also as Head Usher of the Church.
As we reflect on the activities of our Church during the first fifty years, we find much to be thankful for. We are grateful for the fellowship that always prevailed in our Church and with our sister churches and the Silverhill community.
Published November 17, 1974 to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the church.
The first 50 years translated and written by Robert "Bob" Linden and Violet Gustafson Linden.