Edhegard Photo Album

Congo photo album. Click to Enlarge.
Grace and Sixten Edhegard assembled the Congo photograph album of pictures taken in the Congo dated 1915 through 1918. The exception was the page containing photos of their mothers, and photos cut from magazines depicting scenes of Africa. Some pictures had been removed leaving blank areas in the book. Most of the captions were written in English and Swedish. The pages were thin tissue paper. The cover was thick paper.
Pictured on the left is the mother of Sixten Edhegard, Ida Sofia Eriksson who was born September 11, 1860 in Sweden and died May 1, 1899. On the right is the mother of Grace Miller Edhegard, Anna Louise Williams Miller who was born June 17, 1860 in Iowa and died April 4, 1959.

The summer of 1915, Nils Sixton Edhegard arrived as a missonary preacher in Djoko Punda, Congo. On May 12, 1916, Grace Ellen Miller arrived in Luebo, Congo Africa as a missionary nurse. They met November 1916 in Luebo when Sixten transfered from Djoko Punda and were married on May 1, 1917 in Luebo.
While in Congo, Nils Sixton Edhegard Jr was born on May 3, 1918. With another baby on the way, they traveled by ship to London during the Great Influenza epidemic of 1918-1919. During the voyage, Sixten Jr got sick and died on March 31, 1919 at age 10 months. Grace Esther Edhegard was born in London, England on May 6, 1919.

Below are photos in the Congo book of Grace and Sixten during their time of engagement and after their marriage. Their wedding was May 1, 1917 in Luebo, West Kasai, Congo, Africa.
Click each photo to enlarge.
 Luebo, Congo, January 4, 1917. 3 days after our announcement.
 Luebo Congo B. Jan. 4-17. 3 days after our announcement.
 Luebo, Congo, May 1, 1917, wedding day Sixten and Grace Edhegard.
 Luebo, Congo, May 1, 1917, wedding day Sixten and Grace Edhegard.
 One white & one Swede. Luebo May 1917.
 Luebo, Congo, May 1, 1917, wedding day Sixten and Grace Edhegard. This photo was copied from the Edie Neal collection.
 Before a coffee tree. Luebo. March 1917. Grace Miller
 Good pai-pai and a sweet girl 1-1917. Grace Miller, January 1917
 2 natives 1 white & 1 orange tree. Grace Miller
 Grace sitting at a table decorated and set for eight people. Notice bowls cut from melons.
 Grace and Sixten after their marriage.
 Grace and Sixten after their marriage.
 Grace and Sixten after their marriage visiting in Ibanche. May 1917.
 Grace and Sixten after their marriage visiting in Ibanche. May 1917.
 From our visit at Ibanje. Sixten holds up a hand while Grace points a bow and arrow at him. A young boy at right seems uncomfortable watching the scene. May 1917.
 Från vårt besök vid Ibanche efter vårt bröllop. From our visit to Ibanche after our wedding. Grace in hammock ride with Sixten standing beside. May 1917.
 Grace in her nurse uniform.
 Julafton X-mas Eve. 1917. December 24, 1917 in Bibanga, Congo.
 Lukona Nov. 1917 Grace caring for her flock in Lukona, Congo, November 1917.
 Grace in front of their home in Lukona wearing maternity clothes. The Edhegard couple arrived at Lukona in Aug 1917 and lived in a 3 room mudhouse built for them by the chief of the village. Rev. & Mrs. McKee arrived in Sep. and lived in the same house. Taken from Missionary Survey May 1921
 Front. Vårt tredje Kongo hem. Our third Congo home. 22 1, 1918 January 22, 1918. Grace sitting in front of their grass hut house. Junior was born in this hut, May 3, 1918 in Bibanga, West Kasai, Congo, Africa.
 Same Back Dec. 1917. Grace standing at the back door of their grass hut house, wearing maternity clothes. The Mission work at Bibanga, American Missionary station was founded by Rev. Sixten Edhegard and Rev. George McKee in 1917.
Grace, Sixten, & Sixten Jr 1917 Not in the Congo album, but possibly removed. Nils Sixton Edhegard Jr was actually born on May 3, 1918.
Sixten & Grace Edhegard, London, England, 1919. Traveling to Kansas from Congo, through London and Ellis Island, NY.

Below are photos from the Congo book of Sixten Edhegard and other missionaries.
Click each photo to enlarge.
Djoko Punda, Congo 1915.
Seated left to right, Gunnerius Tollefsen and Nils Sixten Edhegard. Standing, Sofia Karlsson. Seated in front of the missionaries is an unnamed villager.
Djoko Punda, Congo 1915.
Seated left to right, Sofia Karlsson and Nils Sixten Edhegard. Standing, Gunnerius Tollefsen. Seated in front of the missionaries is an unnamed villager.
Seated left to right, Sofia Karlsson and Gunnerius Tollefsen. Standing, Nils Sixten Edhegard. These 3 travel partners arrived in Djoko Punda, Congo in summer 1915.
Djoko Punda, Congo 1915. Nils Sixten Edhegard.
Bold hunters. Dj.P. Dec. 1915.
Left to right, Nils Sixten Edhegard and Gunnerius Tollefsen. Djoko Punda, Congo in December 1915. Sixten leopard hunting in a double breasted suit.
Nils Sixten Edhegard, Djoko Punda, Congo in December 1915. Sixten holding a kid goat after leopard hunting.
Seated left to right, Gunnerius Tollefsen, Nils Sixten Edhegard, Unknown. Standing Unknown.
Djoko Punda, Congo. Nils Sixten Edhegard standing third from left. Seated left at end is Sofia Karlsson. Gunnerius Tollefsen is seated in front center.
Djoko Punda May 1916
Seated left to right, Sarah Andersson, Nils Sixten Edhegard, Unknown, Oskar Andersson, Unknown, Unknown.
Standing from left back row is Nils Sixten Edhegard, Sofia Karlsson in center, Oskar Andersson at the right.
Nyårsdagen 1916 Dj. P.
New Year's Day, Djoko Punda, January 1, 1916. From left is Nils Sixten Edhegard, Sofia Karlsson, Sarah and Oskar Andersson.
Missionaries at Dj. P. Jan. 1916
Djoko Punda, January 1916. From left back is Sofia Karlsson, Nils Sixten Edhegard, Gunnerius Tollefsen, and Oskar Andersson. Front center is Sarah Andersson.
Missionaries at Dj. P. 1916 Jan
Djoko Punda, January 1916. From left front is Gunnerius Tollefsen, Nils Sixten Edhegard, Oskar Andersson. Behind Edhegard is Sofia Karlsson, and Sarah Andersson.
Köksdepartemculet. Dj. P. 1916 Jan.
The kitchen department. Sofia Karlsson in center. Djoko Punda, January 1916.
Sofia Karlsson och köksstaten.
Sofia Karlsson and the kitchen staff. Djoko Punda, January 1916.
From left, seated is Sofia Karlsson. Standing behind her is Gunnerius Tollefsen who is standing next to Sixten Edhegard. On board a ship.
Missionaries at the annual meeting Dj. P. June 1916. June 1916, Djoko Punda. From left, standing is Gunnerius Tollefsen. Standing at the right end is Sixten Edhegard. Sarah and Oskar Andersson are in the center, with Sarah seated and a child on her lap. Oskar is behind her.
Dj. P. 1916. 1916, Djoko Punda. At left is Sixten Edhegard.
Sarah and Oskar Andersson after their wedding and return to Djoko Punda in 1915.
The Anderssons after The wedding Sept. 1915. Sarah Kroeker and Oskar Andersson, September 1915.
Sarah and Oskar Andersson in a hammock ride on their journey through the jungle to be married in Luebo. They returned to Djoko Punda where all of their friends held a wedding reception and feast for the villiage.
Congo Missionaries.
Nils Sixten Edhegard displaying bananas.
The king Lukene u.x. and his crownprince + Dr. Morrison 1. Dr. Coppedge 2. King of the Bakuba people, son, and attendant. Left to right Sarah Valdes Stegall holding baby, behind baby is Dr. William M. Morrison, behind him is Carroll R. Stegall, right in back is Dr. Llewellyn J. Coppedge in Luebo 1917.
Sarah Valdes Stegall holding baby in Luebo 1917.
Mrs. & Miss Stegall Luebo. 1917. The daughter of Sarah Valdes Stegall and Carroll R. Stegall in Luebo 1917.
Some people at the market at Dj. P. Dec. 1915. Djoko Punda December 1915. Left back is Sarah Andersson, center is Gunnerius Tollefsen.
Black and white mothers.
Miss Karlsson. Dj. P. 1916. Sofia Karlsson, Djoko Punda, 1916.
Mrs. Barkman Dj. P. 1916. Mrs. Matilda Stucky Barkman, Djoko Punda, 1916.
Mrs Haigh & Miss Sprunger at Wismars falls. June 1916. Rose Haigh and Agnes Sprunger.
Holding a rifle.
Missionary baby.
Mr & Mrs Coppedge.
Mrs. Stegall displaying a lizard.
Missionary on a ship.
Missionaries. Second row, seated, center is Dr. William M. Morrison, possibly in Luebo.
Missionary baby with puppies.
Missionary with villagers.
Missionary with ducklings.
Kaffeträd. Coffee tree.
The church Bulape, 1917.
Missionary with villagers.
Djoko-Punda Photo from magazine of Djoko Punda.
Dj. P. 1915. Photo from magazine of Djoko Punda.
Dj. P. Congo B. Photo from magazine of Djoko Punda.
Dj. P. 1915. Photo from magazine of Djoko Punda.

Below are photos from the Congo book of village scenes and villagers.
Click each photo to enlarge.
Industrial school Luebo. Under building.
Caravan. Mutoto, 1917
View from Lukona
Vy från Lukona View from Lukona.
The graveyard Dj.P. 1916. The grave on the left is Rev. Alvin J. Stevenson 1870 - 1912-02-16. Stevenson co-founded the mission station at Djoko Punda in 1911 with Lawrence and Rose Haigh.
The graveyard Dj.P. 1916. The grave on the right is Anna Alvina Janzen 1913-4-16 - 1913-4-16 who was the daughter of Aaron A Janzen.
Vårt hus med kök under byggnad. Our house with kitchen under construction. Djoko Punda.
Djoko Punda.
Pai-pai tree at Dj.P. 1916. Djoko Punda, 1916.
My boy Djoko-P. med hustue & syster. My boy Djoko-P. with wife and sister.
Park of Dj. Punda. 1916 Djoko Punda, 1916.
The church at Dj. P. 1916. Djoko Punda, 1916.
Maiela. 1916.
After the service Dj. P. 1916 Djoko Punda church 1916.
Native village.
Djoko-Punda Djoko Punda.
The graveyard at Luebo. Jan. 1917.
Village items.
Natives. Women. Infödda kvinnor. 17 Febr. 1918
A thief Dj. Punda. En tjuv Djoko-Punda.
Utanför Mbua Matumba's prison. Outside the prison of the village of Mbua Matumba, showing several prisoners in chains.
Old native. 18 Febr. 1918. Biganga.
An old glad woman.
Missionary with villagers.
Teaching with pictures and music. Oskar Andersson standing right.
Before the grammoph. Before the gramophone. Teaching with pictures and music. Oskar Andersson standing center.
Batjok män. Batjok men.
Bakuba kungen Lukenga + samt två tronföljare. Bakuba king Lukenga and two heirs to the throne.
From Kalamba.
The river Dj.P. 1916. The river at Djoko Punda in 1916.
Native blacksmiths. Lufövdu smeder.
From Luebo. Från Luebo. 1917
Cingungu med några av sina 20 hustur. Cingungu with some of his 20 wives.
Woman grinding corn. Kvinna som maler majs.
Et bakete huse.
A woven basket house.
Woman beating cassava. Kvinna som maler kassava. Woman grinding cassava.
Woman grinding food.
View from Luebo. The hospital right. Jan 1917. Our first Congo home, Luebo, at left.
Crossing a river. Nov. 1915.
Vårt hus Lukona under byggnad.
Our house in Lukona under construction. 1917.
Our house Lukona under building.
Women do also work on it. Kvinnor deltona också. Lukona. 1917.
Scene from Lukona (Mbua Matumba). 1917.
Native boys Luebo 1917. Infödda pojkar
Dr. Morrisons hus Luebo 1917
Natives asking for evangelist from village 2 days away. Djoko Punda 1916.
A witch doctor. Djoko Punda 1916.
New Years day. Djoko Punda 1916.
Evangelist. Djoko Punda Jan. 1916.
Woman painted as she is to be mother.
Magazine photo, Luebo.
Sår. Djoko-Punda 1916. Wounds. Djoko Punda 1916.
Scenes from the market Luebo. 1917
Scenes from the market Luebo. 1917
Scenes from the market Luebo. 1917
A Congo house with 4 medicine houses in front.
Native hut. Mark how high the door is.
Fetching Palmvine Luebo 1917.
From Mutoto.
Vid flodstranden. Native canoe. By the river bank. Native canoe.
River scene. Flodscen.
Lapsley. The river boat, Lapsley.
Dancing Women.
The church at Mutoto.
McKee's house Bibanga. 1918. Jan.
The market Luebo 1917.
A native House at Febr.17.18.
Congo Belge. Belgian Congo.
In the front - - - - - was a big mound.
Scene from Luebo.
Nov - 1916
Bridge across the Lulua river.
Bro över Lulua floden. Bridge across the Lulua river.

Below are photos from the Congo book of each full page, which shows the arrangement of the photos on the pages with the captions. The top corner of each page is numbered, except those which have been cut.
Click each photo to enlarge.
Front cover, page 101.
Page 102.
Page 104.
Page 105.
Page 106.
Page 107.
Page 108.
Page 109.
Page 110.
Page 112.
Page 114.
Page 116.
Page 119.
Page 121.
Page 121.
Page 122.
Page 123.
Page 124.
Page 125.
Page 127.
Page 129.
Page 130.
Page 132.
Page 134.
Page 136.
Page 137.
Page 138.
Page 139.
Page 140.
Page 142.
Page 144.
Page 146.
Page 148.
Page 150.
Page 152.
Page 153.
Page 15x. Corner cut with missing page number.
Page 154.
Page 156.
Page 157.
Page 158 with corner cut showing a blank page 159.
Page 160.
Page 162 with corner folded exposing 163.
Page 163.
Page 164.
Page 166.
Page 168.
Page 170.
Page 172.
Page 174.
Page 175.
Page 176.
Page 178.
Page 179.
Page 180.
Page 181.
Page 182.
Page 183.
Page 184.
Page 188.
Page 190.
Page 192.
Page 194.
Page 196.
Page 197.
Page 199 back.
Page 200.

Below are photos from Edie Edhegard Neal's photo album.
Click each photo to enlarge.
Front cover, page 101.
Page 102.
Front cover, page 101.
Page 102.
Postcard written by Grace on December 12, 1917 to Grace's brother Robert D. Miller and his wife Velma in Hutchinson, Kansas.
Post card written by Sixten to his brother Hjalmar Jonsson in Eskilstuna, Sweden. It is not post marked and may not have ever been mailed.
Postcard written by Grace on December 12, 1917 to her brother Robert D. Miller and his wife Velma that reads: Dear Brother & Sister. This 12th day of December I shall send you a few lines of greeting to prove that you are not forgotten. We often talk about you and Sixten is very anxious to meet his new relatives. Would so much like to visit with you both. We are both quite well again. We are packing up to move again but do not have far to go. It is cold & rainy here today. Do you have snow. We hope you will have a Happy Christmas even though you receive this at Easter. Much love from Sixten & Grace.
Post card written by Sixten to his brother Hjalmar Jonsson that reads: My dear brother; Thanks for you p.c. of yesterday.
