Silverhill Community and Fair Association Stock Certificate
Click here to see the Stockholders List
This was the Third Annual Silverhill Fair that was sponsored by the Silverhill Community and Fair Association. The 1924 Fair Association officers were Charles M. Lyrene, President; Dr. O.F.E. Winberg, Vice-President; Peter Forsman, Secretary; N.J. Mohe, Treasurer; Oscar Johnson, Director.
In 1924, the association built the Community Hall where the Fair was held on October 23-25. The Community Hall was a large wooden building, located where the fire hall was later built.
The Fair Building doors were open to visitors each day from 9am to 11pm with a one time admission charge of 10 cents for individuals over 12 years of age. Children under age 12 were admitted free of charge.
This booklet was the first annual premium list printed by the Fair Association. It had a thin tan cardboard cover with pages printed on newspaper quality paper measuring 9 inches wide by 8 1/4 inches high folded in half and stapled to make a booklet 4 1/2 inches wide by 8 1/4 inches high. Every page contained advertising and was printed by Onlooker Print, Foley, Ala.

This booklet can be found at the Silverhill Public Library.
