Silverhill School
Founder's Day Banquet
on Friday, February 21, 1969

Left to Right: Mrs. Henry (Janette) Legron, Mrs. Maxine Fendley, Mrs. Winston (Eleanor) Byrd.

Mrs. Henry (Janette) Legron, Mrs. Maxine Fendley with serving girls Charlotte Byrd and Debbie Williams. Their table represented Arabia.
 Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Janette) Legron, Mrs. Winston (Eleanor) Byrd, and Mrs. Maxine Fendley seated at their table which represented Arabia.

Article published in the Mobile Press Register on February 23, 1969

Article published in the Foley newspaper The Onlooker on February 27, 1969
Festive event honors Silverhill Founders Day


Mobile Press, February 23, 1969 Click to Enlarge.
