Silverhill Photo Album
Olander Hotel

Silverhill Motor Co. on the left, the Olander Hotel on right, about 1930.

Photos of the Olander Hotel built 1899.
Select each photo to enlarge.

Mr. and Mrs. Axel Theodore Westerlund and daughter Ester Lovisa about age 3 in Oscar Johnson's barnyard. The Olander hotel is behind them across the road, before it's first coat of paint, 1899.
Photo of Park Grocery Ad
Oscar Johnson's barnyard on the left. The Olander hotel is on the right, across the road from the Johnson place. This photo was taken soon after construction, before it's first coat of paint, 1899.
Photo of The Olander Hotel
The Olander Hotel about 1900.

Photo of Silverhill.
Oscar Johnson's house on the left about 1907. Silverhill Hotel built by Charles Olander on the right. The camera view is from the side porch of the Peoples Supply looking northwest. The dirt road would become County Road 55.
Photo of The Olander Hotel
The Olander Hotel about 1910.

Photo of The Olander Hotel
The photo of the hotel was attached to a nail with typed information on the back.
Photo of The Olander Hotel
Close up view of sign on Olander Hotel, pictured above reads:
Mrs. A.S. STEN

Photo of The Olander Hotel
The Olander Hotel (Silverhill Hotel) about 1910 on the right.
Photo of Park Grocery Ad
Silverhill Ave. about 1930 with the Silverhill Motor Co. on the left, the Olander hotel in the center, which housed The Park Grocery.
Photo of Park Grocery Ad
Close up view of the photo from the left of the Olander Hotel. Notice the Park Grogery sign on the roof of the porch.
Photo of Park Grocery Ad
The sign on the porch roof above reads:
The Park
Photo of Park Grocery Ad
The Park Grocery advertisement which ran in the Foley Onlooker in June 1932.
The Park Grocery opened January 1928 under the managemenet of Carl I. Rundquist & Son, Axel Rundquist in the Olander hotel until March 1934, when it moved to the newly constructed building on the west side of the Motor Company.