Silverhill Photo Album
Mission Covenant Church

Mission Church, People's Supply, and Oscar Johnson Home about 1907-1908, looking SE.

Photos of the Mission Covenant Church built in 1903.
Select each photo to enlarge.

Mission Covenant Church about 1905, looking NE.

Colorized postcard of Peoples Supply Company about 1907. Covenant Church on the left.

Mission Covenant Church about 1908, looking NE.

Mission Church at left, Peoples Supply center, Oscar Johnson home right, about 1907-1908, looking SE.

Mission Church about 1916, surrounded by a fence and gates at the front door to keep out the livestock that freely wandered the town.

Mission Church about 1935, looking east.

Mission Church and Parsonage about 1943, looking east.

Covenant Church about 1958, looking SE.