In the treasury, $1,080.89. Fire Insurance called for doors opening out, the change was made. Mrs. Lundberg asked to resign from Sunday School Superintendent as she was teaching school and music, and doing considerable writing for County papers, Mobile paper, and the Covenant Weekly and "Missions Vannen" Mission Friend. Mr. Nels Benson succeeded her as Sunday School Superintendent. Evangelist Rev. A. B. Ost (Miami) was in the church for two weeks of meetings. New Trustees elected Charles Johnston. The Ladies Aid decided to give $5.00 a month toward the pastor's salary. Communion was observed every other month during the evening service. Mr. Listrom a new member. Rev. Osterberg spent a month in Miami since they were organizing and building a Mission Church down there. Br. Benson then spoke at the morning services, and Mr. Charley Gustafson at the evening services during the pastor's absence. Mr. Wallendorf had charge of prayer services. Easter Sunday collections went to China Missions. On Sunday School "Review Sunday" there was a united service using the "Language of the Land". Rev. Osterberg was to teach a special class in "Swedish" for the shildren, young people, and others to really learn the language of their fathers and forefathers. Mr. Steve is appointed treasurer during Mr. Nordine's severe illness. Evangelist Rev. O. A. Sandin, of Baton Rouge, La., held services for two weeks.
The organ is very seldom used now since it needs much repairing. It had served a long, long time. Ruth Wallendorf is now pianist instead of organist, at $25.00 a year. Refreshment Committee Mrs. Swan, Mrs. Gustafson, Mrs. Ostlund. New Sunday School Secretary Treasurer Astrid Lander. Sunday School Birthday Bank money to go into church treasury. Mission Conference President Rev. Bowman (Chicago) was to visit over Easter Sunday. He was asked if Conference would contribute $25.00 per month toward pastor's salary. Rev. Osterberg asked to resign as pastor since he was interested in the Miami Church but asked to continue yet awhile. Sunday School picnic at Peterson Point, Miflin. A big "Clean Up" day inside and out in September. Mr. Gustafson asked to resign as Church President due to continued illness of Mrs. Gustafson. Mrs. Steve also very ill. Mr. Nels Benson new President. Reception for Rev. Osterberg who did return from Miami. Baptist Pastor Rev. Dahlquist asked for financial help for three of community's aged friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson and Mrs. Ida Hultman. They were ill and destitute.

A committee composed of members from all three churches to collect money for Ericksons and Mrs. Hultman. Mr. Franz Berg represented the Mission Church. Evengelist Rev. Sigfried Carlson came for two weeks services, one week Mission Church, one week Baptist Church. $10.00 from Birthday Bank sent to Minister's Pension Fund. $6.00 to Foreign Missions. Officers: President Mr. Benson, Vice-President Mr. Charley Johnston, Secretary Mr. Wallendorf, Treasurer Mr. Oscar Steve. Trustees Johnston, Mr. Peter Forsman, Franz Berg. Deacon and Deaconess Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gustafson. Very ill John Olson and O. P. Forsman. Sunday School to begin at 9:45 followed by a short message in English. Swedish Service at 11:00 A.M.
New members Mr. and Mrs. O. Soelberg, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn (Belforest), Miss Edna Forsman, Mrs. Dan Bagwell, Carlos and Lucille Bagwell, Mrs. McCall (Mrs. Bagwell's sister). Treasuries stand as follows: Church $163.32, Ladies Aid $10.53, Working Band Class $44.80, Sunday School $53.76. All treasuries turned over to church treasury. Birthday Bank money sent to Children's Home, Princeton, Illinois. First Prayer Week to be held separate from Baptist friends, but second week held together. Refreshments followed the annual business meeting, after which all helped take down Christmas decorations and clean church. Asked Conference for financial help another year. Pastor on a three months vacation. Ruth Wallendorf was Secretary protem due to father's illness. Sunday School picnic held at Fairhope Beach. Offering, night and morning, for church treasury. Pastor's salary was $60.00 per month.
Rev. Osterberg seriously ill. Mr. S. Edhegard led services during Prayer Week. New Secretary Mr. O. Soelberg, Ruth Wallendorf Pianist, Astrid Lander assistant Pianist. The congregation needs help from the Covenant again this year.
1932 was the year that the church began working among the Czech friends in the community and down in the Czech settlement to the southwest. Alida Johnson and Ruth Wallendorf were happily appointed to do this "Home Mission" work.
Big plans were made to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Mission Church (1902-1932). Committee; Rev. Osterberg, Mr. Benson and Mr. Wallendorf with assistance of the Ladies Aid. Bibles were given to the Confirmation Class that year. Sunday School picnic again at Fairhope Beach. A call was sent to Rev. O. R. Swanson, Adolph, Minnesota $50.00 a month plus $25.00 from Conference. Ruth Wallendorf left for a year at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Earl Forsman went also. Astrid Lander now became Church pianist.
Mr. Arthur Forsman is the new Sunday School Secretary Treasurer. A deep expression of appreciation to Mrs. Forsman for her work among the Czech people. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forsman were also workers out there along with Alida Johnson now that Ruth Wallendorf was away. Greetings to the sick: Mr. O. P. Forsman, Mr. Rundquist, Mr. Overberg, and Mr. Vaughn.
Mrs. Arthur Forsman and Alida Johnson represented the Working Band Class in visiting all the homes in and around Silverhill with tracts and the Gospel of John. They were assisted by Ruth later, on her return home, and by Mrs. From. A Sunday School was organized called "Faith Mission Sunday School" with twenty members enrolled. The Charter families were Gust Corrells, Emil Havels, John Novaks and Evelyn (now Mrs. Albert Rada). It was first held in the "Black House", then in Mr. Havel's new chicken house, then the little church was built with lumber from the "Grandpa Novak's" forest, and with the work of people out there and members of this church. The Working Band Class financed the painting of the local church.
A new roof was put on the steeple and side rooms financed by Mr. T. A. Johnson. A Guitar Choir had been started. It and the vocal Choir were both doing fine work. Jim Johnson (Mrs. Youngquist's brother) was a new member. Easter collection sent to the Covenant.
The church suffered a very terrible shock in the tragic death of Mr. Charles Gustafson, who was killed by teenagers in a car, while he was walking to prayer meeting one night.
Rev. Osterberg later that year suggested a "Church Family Gathering". An Invitation was to be written to every family connected with the church and Sunday School. This was for Christian Social Fellowship. It would close with devotionals, song, prayer led by the pastor or congregation president. $12.00 were lost from Treasury, no one knows how or where or when. It was decided to put all the money in the Fairhope Bank. Ruth and Earl have returned from Minnehaha Academy with much joy and inspiration. President Dr. Theodore Anderson visits the church. He was especially pleased with the wonderful work done out at Faith Mission Sunday School which was steadily growing.
Note: The minutes of the 1933 meetings were the first to be written in the English language. Heretofore all minutes kept in the Swedish language - 31 years of minutes in Swedish. The English was written by Mr. Soelberg.
Ruth Wallendorf was voted new Sunday School Supterintendent but served just a short time. Mr. Benson is it again, and Ruth is Vice Superintendent. Money is collected for putting new roof on church. Mr. Berg is the first named janitor custodian since Mr. Isaakson of the early days. Special thanks is given Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forsman, Alida and Ruth for their faithful work at Faith Mission. The Mission Church and its members should be responsible as it is a light house and becon lights of love within the community.
The Evangelical Mission Covenant is to celebrate its Fiftieth Anniversary. President Anderson suggested that Student Pastors from North Park College Seminary be called to serve a summer or to serve one year. In July Nathan Sundberg came to serve one summer. He was the first student pastor in this area.
Faith Mission now had a new fence and gate. The Chapel was dedicated and Nathan Sundberg was to serve both the church and chapel. He lived with the Lundbergs. Another call to Rev. O. R. Swanson and also one to Rev. Carl Linquist (North Dakota) neither materialize. Rev. Osterberg still hopes to go to Miami. Student Pastor George Welch served the Covenant field for one summer.
Refreshment committee now called Hospitality Committee. Sunday School pianist is Esther Edhegard. A collection was taken for North Park College. A Sunday School was started in Greewood, east of Summerdale, by Ruth Wallendorf and Alida Johnson.
Rev. Eric Danielson is sent to the Greewood Church as local pastor. Rev. Osterberg and Ruth Wallendorf were married in the church by Rev. Danielson, they now leave for Miami.
Wedding of Ruth Wallendorf and Oscar E. Osterberg on July 18, 1935. Attendants were: Alida Johnson and Rev. Joel Nordlund with Thelma Chandler as Flower Girl.
The morning service is now conducted in the English language. The Covenant to contribute $420.00 annually to the pastor's salary. Rev. Joel Nordlund has arrived to assist at Faith Mission, Greenwood, and any new Mission Stations started. It was decided to buy the Hess place, furnished to be used as a parsonage, for $2,500.00, the church to pay $40.00 a month to Mr. Hess. Rev. Danielson suggested that the church unite completely with the Conference, which is now called the Evangelical Mission Church of America.
Rev. Danielson asked for two weeks off to go to Rockford, Illinois to get married. Bringing back his bride, they moved into the "Hess" church parsonage. Payments for parsonage increased. Danielson's paid $10.00 a month rent, Working Band Class to give $10.00 a month, and the collection on first Sunday of the month. Charley Johnston appointed to take charge of this money, and report. Individual contributions would go to China Missions. Committee Arthur Forsman and Rev. Danielson went to Mr. T. A. Johnson to borrow $500.00 as a down payment on parsonage. The Covenant contributed $120.00 toward work done at Mission Stations. Parsonage is recorded at County Court House, Bay Minette, Alabama. New members taken in this year were Rev. and Mrs. Eric Danielson.
Esther Edhegard is now both church and Sunday School pianist at $25.00 a year. Ladies Aid President Mrs. Peter Forsman, Sunday School Superintendent Arthur Forsman, Secretary Treasurer Mrs. Eric Danielson and Vonceil Forsman. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Johnson paid for the painting of the church. A social hour in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wigstrom. A thanks to Messrs. Carl and Godfrey Swanstrom (Foley) for the use of their saw in the cutting of timber for the Greenwood Chapel. Thanks to the members who gave wood to the church for heating purposes to avoid added expense of paying when treasury is so low.
Rev. Joel Nordlund and Alida Johnson were married at the church by Rev. Nordlund's father, Missionary Victor Nordlund.
Rev. Danielson made plans to resign to return up north. The parsonage was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Danielson and young son left for Rockford. Rev. Danielson was to finish out a few more months in the church, so he lived with the Lundbergs, also with Grandma Forsman, and then he went back north.
Rev. and Mrs. Joel Nordlund (Alida) were living in the Lutheran parsonage, which was vacant at that time. Rev. Nordlund a new member.
Rev. Joel Nordlund and Alida Johnson were married June 24, 1936.
Ladies Aid President, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Vice-President, Mrs. Lundberg, Secretary Treasurer of Sunday School Ted Forsman. A visit from Missionary Dr. Mildren Nordlund, home on furlough from China. She showed moving pictures of her work in China.
A call was sent to Rev. K. Berlin, wife and family, Bemidji, Minnesota. Rev. Nordlund was serving the church, and Mission places, also, during the absence of a local pastor. A fine visit and messages from the Covenant Home Missions Secretary, Rev. Edgar Swanson, Chicago. A visit from Rev. Thure Olson from Plainsfield, New Jersey on his way to Texas. Denomination President Dr. T. W. Anderson, Chicago, visited church over Easter. Working Band Class needs encouragement enrollment has fallen off. A gift of money, $25.00 was received from the Paxton, Illinois Covenant Church. A gift of eighteen Bibles was received for the Sunday School from H. J. Wistrom, Des Moines, Iowa.
The Berlins arrive and a reception is given in their honor. He starts two Bible Classes, one at Faith Mission, the other at Greenwood. A "Farewell" was tendered Rev. and Mrs. Nordlund and David Lee as they have accepted a call to the Cragin Covenant Church, Chicago, Illinois.
Rev. and Mrs. K. Berlin new members. A collection was taken for North Park College. The Easter offering was given to Foreign and Home Missions. Mr. Berg was given $5.00 from the Sunday School Treasury for serving as janitor. Evangelist Rev. Frykman arrived to conduct revival services. A committee was appointed Rev. Berlin and Mrs. Lundberg to arrange for a "Church Family Fellowship Dinner". The church contributed $1.00 to the Crippled Children's Fund.
Question of a Sunday School Bus for the Mission Stations; a truck was bought and converted into a bus. The Covenant paid for it. It was decided to use the Envelope System for membership offerings. Prayer Week was held with the Lutheran and Baptist Churches.
Mrs. Benson underwent a very serious goiter operation. Church pianist Mrs. Lundberg, Sunday School pianist Astrid Lander. Second Sunday morning each month there will be a Swedish Service. Rev. Clarence Satterbloom arrives as a student pastor to assist in Mission places.
Mr. T. A. Johnson passed away. The church had a visit from three Covenant leaders: Missionary Bolander from Africa, Editor of Covenant Weekly Gustaf Hedstrand, Evangelist Gus E. Johnson.
Rev. Berlin requests a vacation in May for himself, wife, and family. Asks financial help from the Covenant. Individual Communion glasses were bought and used instead of using just the one cup for all. Rev. Rodney North comes as the next student pastor.
Minutes more definitely English. This begins a real new era in the church. Church treasury $294.76, Ladies Aid $49.00, Sunday school $9.93, Working Band Class $12.76. New members Mrs. S. Edhegard, Agnes, Ruth, Conway and Hazeltine Edhegard, Ted Forsman, Helen Kriss, Mrs. S.P. Johnson (Albert Erickson) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mons (North River Park). Mr. Mons is new Deacon, church pianist Mrs. Lundberg, $15.00 a year. Sunday school pianist Astrid Lander, assistant Tina Edhegard, Vice Sunday School Superintendent Mrs. Edhegard, Secretary Agnes Edhegard, treasurer Mr. Soelberg, committee Reverend Berlin and Mr. Soelberg change the church constitution from Swedish to English. Rev. Emery Anderson arrived as student pastor for Mission Stations. A collection was taken for North Park College. More new members, Esther Edhegard, Miss Mildred Havel, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mons, Jr., Rev. Emory Anderson, Mrs. Ted Forsman, Ed and George Lyrene. Rev. Berlin brought up before the church the great need of a parsonage. They too are living in the Lutheran parsonage. The English translated Constitution is discussed. $200.00 is presented to the church by Rev. and Mrs. Joel Nordlund (Alida) in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Johnson. A building committee was to draw up plans for a parsonage. Rev. Berlin, Mr. Arthur Forsman, son Ted, and Ed and George Lyrene. Rev. Emory Johnson is acting Secretary in the English language for the regular Secretary, Mr. O. Soelberg. A call meeting of members, when President Arthur Forsman presented the plans for a church parsonage. Rev. Berlin gave the financial status. Ed and George Lyrene gave a report on the labor needed. Construction is to begin Dec. 1940. The three trustees become members of the building committee, also; Charlie Johnston, Dave Forsman, Franz Berg. The abstract on church land and property to be brought up to date.
Continue to page 4.

Translated and Written by Louise J. Lundberg to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the church.
