Special thanks to the Working Band Class for all their much interest and support. Sermonettes will be given at the close of Sunday School classes before close of Sunday School. Rev. Emery Anderson will speak at two Sunday evening services, while Rev. Berlin takes turns at Mission stations. Student pastor to serve as vice secretary of church. Sunday school gives Mr. Berg $1.00 a month for working as janitor. Mr. Ed Lyrene and Agnes Edhegard are married. Mrs. Ed Lyrene is cradle roll superintendent. Invited Faith Mission and North River Park in for Sunday services with National President Dr. T. W. Anderson. Evangelistic services all week. Offering boxes used for Foreign Missions are given out. Money collected for North Park Jubilee by Mr. Charlie Johnston. The Working Band Class is to report to the church once a quarter. Mr. Soelberg to be janitor with a regular salary. Mrs. Lundberg decorating chairman for a special Easter program. Evangelistic Rev. A. Johnson of Indiana brings message. Committee for services, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs. Lundberg, Mrs. Edhegard. Miss Olga Lindberg of the Covenant Sunday school department was here in November. She held a Sunday school teacher institute or seminar.

New members, Helen Thomas, Annie Thomas, Lurene Johnson, Virginia Lindquist (Mrs. Berlin's sister). At the annual meeting Mrs. Ted Forsman gave the Sunday school report, Mrs. Dave Forsman the Ladies Aid report, Mr. George Lyrene the report of the parsonage building committee. Offerings were taken during the year for North Park College and Retired Ministers Pension Fund. Reports were given by Faith Mission, Greenwood, and North River Park. Officers elected were: President Arthur Forsman, vice president George Lyrene, Secretary Mrs. Lundberg, treasurer Oscar Steve, new trustee Nels Benson, Deacons Johnston and R. Mons, Sr., Deaconess Mrs. S. Edhegard, pianist Astrid Lander, Sunday school superintendent Arthur Forsman, assistant Ruth Edhegard, Secretary Hazeltine Edhegard, treasurer Astrid Lander, Ladies Aid President Mrs. Charles Johnston, new student pastor Arthur Anderson. (Note: Arthur was a very much liked young man not only in the church and mission stations, but in the school, in the P. T. A. and in the community. He even worked in the potato fields during that year of shortage of man labor - He has gone a long way in working for God, and young people. He has been President of Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is now assistant professor of Religion at North Park College, Chicago).
It was decided to give each new member a year's subscription to the Covenant Weekly. Cottage Prayer Meetings were held for shut-ins and old Swedish friends, led by Rev. Berlin.
Plans began to formulate for the 40th anniversary which promises to be a big thing. God had blessed and guided our little church through sad times and glad times, hard times and easy times, but always happy times in knowledge that only what is done for God and his Kingdom is what will live on forever and will never vanish from His sight. It was decided that each year an anniversary dinner should be held with a big festivity on each tenth year. This is to commemorate the founding of the church, and the early pioneers who so faithfully served both in the community and in the church, and all the others who have come along throughout the years.
The entire anniversary festivities of forty years will be found in the secretary's minute book for the year 1942 and are truly fine. Church manuals were ordered for each member. Anniversary committee, George Lyrene, Mrs. Lundberg, Miss Mildred Havel. A Family Night was planned for during Anniversary Week, a visiting pastor to be guest speaker, all church and Sunday school families urged to attend; also visitors from the other churches and the mission stations. Rev. Joseph Danielson (Chicago) will be the guest speaker for a week.
Parsonage is completed, insurance on parsonage $2000.00 or $2500.00 with contents. New "Tabernacle Hymn" Books purchased at $.55 each. Application made to Covenant for $532.00 for Pastor's salary, $120.00 for student pastor. The History of the church is to be written, translated from the Swedish minutes Secretary books 1902-1933, which will be very interesting. History committee, Mr. Soelberg, Mr. Steve, final translation and history written by Mrs. Lundberg 1902-1942. An invitation was extended Mrs. Charlie Pearson's brother, Rev. Sullivan Waldemer in the meantime to be guest speaker at the service. Sullivan had grown up and gone to school here and his many friends were happy to welcome him. Anniversary Committee meeting at the Lundberg home to draw up the outline for Anniversary Day, November 20th. Swedish service, 11:00 AM; Fellowship Dinner 12:30 noon; afternoon service 2:30 p.m.; greetings given by Baptist Church, Lutheran Church, Faith Mission, Greenwood, North River Park; afternoon coffee 3:30 PM; anniversary service 8:00 PM with history and special singing interspersing the reading of the history. Morning service, Rev. Berlin leader; afternoon service the Ladies Aid in charge; evening service Working Band Class in charge. Since new songbooks are being purchased, the old songbooks will go to the mission stations.
A new brick chimney was put up to replace the clay pipe in center of roof (Note: once a fire broke out, water brigade was formed from store hand pump and Mr. Steve clattered up the roof in some miraculous manner and put out the fire. Neither he nor anyone could hardly explain how he did it. It was during a Sunday morning service and was discovered by Mr. Oscar Johnson, founder of Silverhill, who called "Fire" and all lent a helping hand. What year? I don't remember.) Mr. Steve and Charlie Johnston in charge of putting up chimney.
All the ladies are urged to join the "Women's Christian Temperance Union" (W.C.T.U.) in these stressing times of World War II. This was the time of getting the addresses of all the Silverhill boys and girls in the Armed Forces, at home and War. Everyone is urged to write to these young people who represent Silverhill in the various branches of service. Pray God's protection over them, that they may again return to their homes. Sunday school picnic at Fairhope. Sugar bought for the church due to sugar rationing.
Announcements of Anniversary sent to Covenant Weekly and Missions Vannen (Mission Friend) also to all previous pastors, student pastors, and members moved away. Ted Forsman appointed corresponding secretary. An American flag and a Christian flag purchased for occasion. All repairs and replacements to be completed, lawns cut, Windows stippled (Roy Hager to do the work).
The church is thrown into deep sorrow to hear of the tragic death of U.S. Marine Gilbert Forsman on Wake Island, one of our first fatalities of World War II. He was born and reared in Silverhill, but enlisted from Chicago. Sympathy was sent to the bereaved family of Mrs. Peter Forsman, Chicago.
A birthday party and a $2.00 money gift given Mr. Listrom. Mrs. Lundberg is assistant Sunday school superintendent and teacher when Mr. Arthur Forsman goes out to Faith Mission.
A children's class about 1942. Back row from left to right: ___ Richerson, Ruby Pearson, Beatrice Pearson, Joyce Sandell, Margaret Edhegard, Emmer Lee Richerson; front: Paul Edhegard, ___ Richerson. - Click to Enlarge.
Much credit is due Rev. Berlin in the planning, building, and completing of the parsonage, also for the wonderful success of the 40th Anniversary Celebration. Hundreds of announcements and invitations were sent out and hundreds of mimeograph copies of the Anniversary schedule of activities were given out to the large attendance at each occasion. This was one of the big "High Lights" in the community, as the entire community was invited to attend. Rev. Courtney Johnson is the new student pastor staying at the Lundberg home.
New members; Reverend and Mrs. Joel Nordland who came here from Renovo, Pennsylvania. Anniversary gifts from Pioneer Edward Anderson family (Mrs. Rudolph Pearson, Mrs. Jack Severin, Victor and Nels) also Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanstrom (Esther Johnson) amounting to $16.00. Something sacred is to be purchased and kept in the church. Committee appointed; Mrs. Dave Forsman and Mrs. Ted Forsman. A bulletin board was put up in entrance of church. Debt on parsonage $615.00. Offering AM and PM on Father's Day for pension fund. Offering on third Sunday AM and PM for education Sunday, other offerings during the year North Park College, foreign missions, home missions, service men's fund. Individual and organizations to contribute to the Vero Beach church building fund, Rev. Osterberg, pastor and Ruth.
Rev. Courtney Johnson, student pastor, asked for a two weeks leave to go to his home in Ridgeway, Pennsylvania while his brother was at home on a furlough. Mr. Ted Forsman new Sunday school superintendent out at Faith Mission with help from his wife, Margaret. George Lyrene is to work out at North River Park, Rev. Berlin to spend time in Greenwood interchanging with student pastor. Greenwood plans to organize a church. Now we have 31 church members, while there are 54 in Sunday school. Ladies Aid vice president Mrs. Berlin, pianist for Ladies Aid Mrs. Ted Forsman.
Rev. Berlin strongly considers to resign since the field is so big, and the work heavy, and his health not too well. Rev. Nathaniel Franklin, National Sunday School Director comes down for a Sunday School Teachers Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnston are to be in charge at Greenwood so as to help Rev. Berlin. Money is paid by The Covenant for gas for Gospel Bus. Plans made for shelter over parsonage pump. It was decided to build a garage for Gospel Bus and student Pastor's car, and the house over pump to house a washroom and the pastor's car.
A call is sent to Rev. Nordlund to return to Silverhill. When parsonage is paid for it will be rent free to the pastor. A room is completed upstairs, but not furnished for student pastor. Mr. Wallie Mylander is the new student pastor. He is also a musician playing in County Music Club Orchestra.
A new heater was contributed to church by Mr. Leslie Chandler. Reception tendered Rev. and Mrs. Nordlund and family as they arrive. Greenwood to build additional Sunday school rooms and and kitchen. Lot south of church sold for $50.00. Janitor's wage $4.00 a month. Mr. Arthur and Ted Forsman contribute wood for heating purposes.
Parsonage is stuccoed on the outside. Church sign painted and placed along Street. Moving expense of Pastor's furniture cut in half by his buying a truck for hauling and selling it on arrival. Mission stations to come in whenever there is a fifth Sunday night. Accident insurance taken out on "Gospel Bus". Pastor responsible for County Covenant Field. Student pastor under his supervision, exchange pulpits at set dates.
Student pastor Courtney Johnson had served entire field with help of laymen between the departure of Rev. Berlin and arrival of Rev. Nordlund. Rev. Berlin had served the church and community in many capacities; President PTA, Tire and Gas Rationing Board, Registering Board for Ration Books, (W.W.II) County Ministerial Association, County Youth Camp (1st) and Presbyterian Camp at Fairhope (2nd) at Seminole Lodge (3rd) Camp Glory, Perdido. Fence built around parsonage, shrubbery, palms, and trees planted. Parsonage rented to a Mrs. Paulette the months while vacant. (Note: Long to be remembered was the United Minister's Chorus: Rev. McCann, Rev. Dahlquist (Baptist), Rev. Berlin, Rev. Nordlund and Rev. Anderson (Lutheran).)
Vote of thanks to Mr. August Carlson for work on parsonage. The Ladies Aid becomes a totally separate organization from the church. Amount in church treasury $1,022.25, Sunday school $25.00. A Service Flag purchased by church and mission stations. Dedication service by Chaplin White of Brookley Field, Mobile, on Memorial Sunday. The Anniversary money gift use to buy new American and Christian Flags. ($16.00).
New members Mrs. Charles Lyrene and Edith Edhegard. Another Gospel Bus bought, bars placed across windows for safety.
Pictured from back to front, left to right: on back of bus is David Lee Nordlund; extreme left is Chick Swododa, George David Lundberg, Pastor Nordlund, Stanley Hunt, Millie Olson, Harold Langley, Paul Edhegard, Jackie Phillips, Glen Gregorius, Ray Braswell, Beaver Phillips, Vera Novak, Shirley Lindell. - Click to Enlarge.
Church steeple struck by lightning, causing damage to building. Appreciation sent Mr. Chandler for financial help for church and bus. $25.00 given to Charlie Johnston during his serious illness. Carl Swanstrom bought old bus for $75.00. Insurance covered lightning damage. A building fund started for Sunday school rooms added to church building. A small replica of the church was built by a service man, Mr. Davis, to be used as a bank for Building Fund. Ruby Pearson (Mrs. Bill Childress now) was appointed Assistant Sunday school teacher. Miss Mildred Havel closed the annual meeting with prayer. Mr. Ted Forsman is called into the service of his country. Student Pastor took over Sunday school superintendent at Faith Mission, also in charge of Sunday school Gospel Bus. Local Pastor to speak at North River Park and to return to local church in time for service. Student Pastor to Greenwood Sunday afternoons. Mrs. Edhegard assistant teacher of Working Band Class. Baptist and Mission Sunday school together for Daily Vacation Bible School.
Due to shortage of men for driving school buses, Rev. Nordlund asked permission to do this for the Silverhill school and High School students. Rev. Don Skoglund is the new student Pastor, he is to live at the parsonage, using room upstairs. He comes from Rockford, Illinois. North River Park has especially expressed appreciation to Rev. Nordlund for his services in their midst. Appreciation was extended to Mr. Frank Sturma (Silverhill) Mr. Nelson (Greenwood) Mr. Milton Ostlund (Miami) for both money and labor on the two garages. Mrs. Lyrene (Hazeltine Edhegard) wrote Foreign Missionary Rev. Ralph Hanson to visit Alabama field and show films on his work in Alaska. A letter received from Ted Forsman, stationed as Camp Blanding, Florida.
The parsonage was totally destroyed by fire, but downstairs contents were all saved. Upstairs contents lost and student pastor's contents all a loss. This was a terrible shock to the church and community. Nordlunds made their home with her sister, the Lundbergs, and student pastor Skoglund in their cabin. The insurance of $2000.00 was paid. The present building committee was to serve. Mr. Dave Forsman was to replace Ted, and Rev. Nordlund replace Rev. Berlin. Rebuilding began immediately. A news item about parsonage burning was sent to Covenant Weekly. Mr. Frank Sturma was to be an overseer of the construction, Mr. Collins to be his assistant. Same foundation was to be used but with tile and concrete walls and partitions with plasterboard.
Church Family Dinner New Years Day followed by the annual meeting. Sunday School Treasury $134.43, building committee treasury $2609.630 including fire insurance money. Bus shortage $46.88 but paid by Mr. Ed Lyrene. New members received during the year were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pearson, Beatrice and Ruby, Mr. George Lundberg, Margaret Edhegard, and David Gustafson. It was decided that the student pastor should have full responsibility of the gospel Bus. Ladies aid did not wish to be separate organization from the church. New trustee George Lundberg, new teachers in Sunday school Miss Astrid Lander, Miss Edith Edhegard, Mrs. Edhegard, Mrs. Charlie Pearson, Rev. Nordlund, Mr. Benson for Adult Swedish Class.
Church savings account book for Central Baldwin Bank in Robertsdale, Alabama. Savings deposit entries date from March 15, 1941 through July 20, 1948. - Click to Enlarge.
Discussion on sawing and hauling wood for the needy in the community. Some of the money in the treasury is money for the pastor and student pastor's salary. A flower committee appointed to attend to flowers for the sick and for funerals. The gospel bus was used to haul lumber for parsonage. Others working on parsonage were Mr. Roy Hager, Mr. William Curtis, Mr. Dave Wallin. Money taken from the sale of "Hess" parsonage was used to help pay debt on the parsonage. Missionary Hanson was houseguest in Edhegard home. Mr. Hager built and painted church bulletin sign to be placed along Street. Special appreciation to Mr. Bert Sandell, Mr. Chandler, Mrs. Dave Forsman, Mrs. Charlie Johnston, Mrs. Nordlund and Mr. Soelberg for the much work in cleaning up the church and stacking materials left from building. Pastor's salary of $85.00 was raised to $100.00 a month and parsonage. Mr. Charlie Johnston to serve as delegate to conference in Chicago. New fire insurance as follows: $2800.00 on parsonage and $500.00 on contents, $400.00 on pump house garage. Mrs. Dave Forsman appointed chairman of Sunday school picnic. Rev. Stanley Hunt new student pastor. Summer worker Miss Mildred Olson both to come in June. George Lundberg was to build bookshelves in the Working Band Class room since the regular bookcase was moved to student's room in parsonage. A news item was sent to Covenant Weekly that parsonage had been rebuilt. A program and Ice Cream Social was to be given for Sunday school Classroom Building Fund. Committee Mrs. Dave Forsman and Mrs. Lundberg and Mr. Charlie Pearson. It was decided that all buildings to be painted.
A Missionary Jacobson from China was guest speaker at Bible Camp and later at the local church. A coincidence was that about six young Chinese officers Were training at Brookley Field at that time. They were invited over to share the hospitality of the church, parsonage and the Nordland family. With Rev. Jacobson and Rev. Nordland both being ex-Missionaries from China, a most unique evening service was held in the church in English and Chinese. An open house at parsonage was held for these officers when the membership of the church and Working Band Class had an opportunity to meet and speak with these young Chinese officers. $101.00 was sent from Covenant for Miss Mildred Olson. Scripture verses were to be sent regularly to the Mobile Press, and a permanent church schedule sent to "The Onlooker". It was decided to clean and paint the front entrance at the church.
A church dinner was served, and the weather was so beautiful, the dinner was eaten outdoors even though it was January 1st. The front concrete walk and the front door lock the need repair. $5.00 were sent to the National Temperance League, and $5.00 to the County Temperance League. Rev. Nordlund had received a call from Osage City, Kansas so tendered his resignation to the Silverhill Church. Rev. Nels Malmstedt was called to be interim Pastor until a permanent pastor could come. The parsonage is furnished just temporarily.
A rising vote of thanks was given Rev. and Mrs. Nordlund for their untiring efforts in the ministry here, and for the hard work in rebuilding the parsonage. They were given a farewell money gift. It was moved to observe Founders Day of the Covenant in America. Free literature was to be sent to Mrs. George Lyrene for distribution. Freewill offerings will be taken on all Church Days to be observed. Christmas Program offering to go to Children's Home in Princeton, Illinois. New members taken in the church this year: George David Lundberg. Rev. and Mrs. Nordlund contribute $11.00 to go to World Peace to be given through the church. New officers: corresponding secretary Mrs. S. Edhegard, Ladies Aid chairman Mrs. Charlie Pearson. Covenant Home Mission secretary Rev. Edgar Swanson was guest speaker - spoke on Covenant work in the mountains of Lee County, Virginia. He said that in all possibility Rev. O.R. Swanson would come to Silverhill instead of Rev. Fritz Erickson. Miss Mildred Olson was to come down again for Daily Vacation Bible School in all four Sunday schools and camp. There are 29 members in the newly organized Greenwood church. They are discussing building parsonage and calling a full-time pastor who will also assist with Faith Mission and North River Park. Miss Mildred Havel will assist with Daily Vacation Bible School and camp. Both workers are to receive $75.00 and to use Covenant material. Pastor's salary $125.00, a month, $25.00 for car, and free parsonage. Butane gas installed in church and parsonage. Fully equipped bathroom install.
The Lutheran and Mission Covenant Churches co-sponsored the coming of a blind singer, speaker, and musician at the school auditorium. He was a wonderful inspiration to both old and young alike. Another wonderful experience for the Covenant Church and Silverhill was to have the world-famous artist Warner Sallman and his wife in their midst. His artist service was held the school auditorium also when local orchestra members along with trumpeter student Pastor Stanley and George Lundberg in a musical program along while Mr. Sallman was making a colored chalk picture of his famous "Head of Christ", which now hangs in the sanctuary of the Evangelical Covenant Church here in Silverhill. The picture was framed by Mr. Axel Rundquist.
Sunday school picnic at Fairhope Beach. Running water completely installed in parsonage. George Lyrene paid Daddy Carlson garage bill on Gospel Bus; Elmer Lindell was still patiently waiting. Members collected $40.00 then and there and paid Elmer Lindell. Rev. O. R. Swanson, wife and family arrived. Gospel Bus transferred to be used in Greenwood assembly. The Swanson is forgiven a reception and a hearty welcome. Vivian Melgren served in area one summer with Daily Vacation Bible School and camp.
New members: Rev. and Mrs. O. R. Swanson, Grace Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hirz, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Mons, Mr. Ruth Mons, Mr. Charlie Bishop, Mr. Leo Langford, Dorothy Lindell. Church treasury $976.71, Sunday school room building fund $308.48, Sunday school treasury $172.83, Ladies Aid $16.24, Faith Mission by Miss Evelyn Correll $61.91. Faith Mission Sunday School was closed since there were no workers. A monthly service was held. Decided to have secret ballot voting. Communion held monthly as regularly. North River Park to have Communion out there. Appreciation extended Mr. Leslie Chandler for much kind help. Church officers: President George Lyrene, Vice President Ted Forsman, Secretary Conway Edhegard, Assistant Secretary Mrs. Lundberg, Deacons Mr. Soelberg and Mr. Mons, Sr., Deaconesses Mrs. Charlie Johnston and Mrs. Lundberg, Sunday School Superintendent Ted Forsman, Pianist Miss Astrid Lander, Ladies Aid President Mrs. O. R. Swanson, Janitor Mr. Soelberg, new trustee Mr. Ed Lyrene. $25.00 a year to be sent to the Minister's Pension Fund for the next 10 years, offerings taken on the regular time for the Denomination. Prayer week observed by holding meetings in various homes and at church. The church should try to become more self-supporting. Church suggests again that Ladies Aid should be a separate organization. $1,000.00 taken from General Fund to be used for building the Sunday School rooms.
A money gift from the church to Mr. and Mrs. Mons, Sr., early pioneers of the North River Park area, who had started a Sunday School before the Covenant Church ever went out there to work, but needed help and encouragement, and so the church supported the work out there.
Mr. James Forsman made the doors and a folding door for the Sunday School rooms. Talk to Town Council to ask for street repairs and better drainage in front of church. Two older members gone to their reward, Mr. Listrom and Mr. Mons, Sr. Mrs. Lundberg asked for the privilege to reopen Faith Mission Sunday School and have services. After a discussion this was granted. It became a flourishing Sunday School during the ten years following under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Lundberg and the faithful workers among the members out there. Mr. Axel Rundquist repainted church sign along the street. Sunday School rooms completed and finished, and furnished for the size and age of children to use them. Rev. Swanson is to go before the Town Council in reference to the sale of intoxicating beverages in town. Church needs new electrical wiring as it has become a fire hazard. Locks are put on outside restrooms, as they are been mistreated. Butane gas is installed in church by United Appliance, Frank Sturma manager.
Evangelist Rev. Edwin Hallsten held a week's revival service at the church. There is a deficit in church treasury of $4.36. Mr. Jim Swoboda, Sr., did the rewiring of the church. The church kitchen was changed to the new addition with sink and running water.
A roof was built over back steps by Mr. Steve. Offerings for the Denomination taken as usual. New trustee, Mr. Fred Hirz. Pianist's salary to be discontinued. Thanks to Mr. Chandler for kindness during the year. Church sent North Park College $10.00. The Building Fund and Church Treasury combined $540.74. A fund for new church pews started. Sunday school collection on April 18th to go to the Crippled Children Drive. Sunday school and Working Band Class treasury to help General Fund. Mrs. Lundberg is to hold Younger People's Sunday evenings 6:30 PM before church service.
New member, Paul Swanson. There is a good attendance of young people. Faith Mission to contribute $2.00 toward monthly salary of pastor. Rev. Swanson to hold Sunday evening services at Mission Stations. Song services held at local church on Sunday nights.
Officers President George Lyrene, Vice President Arthur Forsman, Secretary Conway Edhegard, Assistant Secretary Mrs. Fred Hirz, Deacons, Mr. Soelberg and Mr. Johnston, Deaconesses Mrs. S. Edhegard, new trustee is Mr. Ted Forsman, Sunday School Superintendent George Lyrene, Pianist Mrs. George Lyrene, Junior Counselor Mrs. Swanson, Senior High Counselor Reverend Swanson, Janitor Mr. Soelberg, Ushers Paul Swanson and Conway Edhegard.
Greetings read from Reverend and Mrs. Stanley Hunt and Reverend and Mrs. Emory Anderson. A discussion was held on local pastor stay at this church, and not sharing with Mission Stations. Greenwood now has Reverend and Mrs. Fritz Erickson. South River Park Sunday School organized under leadership of Miss Marion Larson.
North River Park to have a parsonage, and that pastor to serve North and South River Parks. South River Park builds a church building. Prayer Week observed in homes and held out at North River Park.
Thanks to Mr. Chandler for financial help. No new pews, but the old benches were remodeled and made more comfortable, thanks to Mr. Hirz and son-in-law Mr. Louie Bruhn (Elberta). Mrs. Lundberg is a delegate to the Covenant Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, since she and Mr. Lundberg had gone to Chicago for George David's graduation from North Park College. Screens and screen doors were put up in kitchen and Sunday school rooms, since they were used as the church parlors.
A United Sunday Service of all Covenant Churches up at Silverhill Oscar Johnson Memorial Park with morning worship, fellowship dinner, and an afternoon service. Rev. Swanson held special services in Kansas. On return he asked to resign since he had a call to become District Superintendent of our Denomination's middle-east conference. A farewell was tendered them.
Treasury deficit $100.00. Ladies Aid Treasury has $25.00, Sunday School Treasury $105.00, Working Band Class $45.00, Pew Fund $38.35. Mrs. Ted Forsman asked permission to make Sunday school classroom more attractive. Much appreciation extended the Working Band Class in the purchase of a piano. The old piano is now in the Sunday school rooms. New Deacon Mr. Charlie Pearson. Sunday School Superintendent, Arthur Forsman, Sunday school pianist Margaret Edhegard, Ushers Ted Forsman and Paul Edhegard. George Lyrene is serving back at North River Park again. Mrs. Ted Forsman is counselor For the Covenant High Group.
New members Mr. and Mrs. James Holloway. Faith Mission to pay more than $2.00 monthly support toward pastor. Old pump is sold to Greenwood. Swedish Adult Class combined the with Working Band Class. Rev. and Mrs. Langvand from Chicago filled the pulpit. Rev. Langvand will be remembered as the musical pastor, playing his zither and singing. Discussion on Youth Camp. Committee appointed: Ted Forsman, Mrs. George Lundberg, Mrs. George Lyrene. Discussion on having an Alabama Conference with the five Covenant Churches and Missions. The church owed $42.00 to the Covenant Pension Fund. A budget system to be started.
Rev. Frank Engstrom the new pastor. One united meeting a month led by the combined Baptist and Covenant Men's Brotherhood. George Lundberg was asked to direct the church orchestra for special meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Forsman to lead the singing.
Visiting pastor Rev. Albert Lundberg and wife. Treasury is now $291.75, this is much better. Appreciation extended Miss Mildred Havel for helping with the young people. New Secretary Mrs. Lundberg, Sunday School Superintendent James Holloway, Ushers Mr. Hirz and James Holloway, Custodian Mr. Charles Johnston.
Week of prayer with the Baptists, Rev. Donald Eckerholm, leading. A $50.00 contribution was received from Rev. and Mrs. O. R. Swanson. Greetings received from Rev. and Mrs. Rodney North, and Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Berlin. Covenant Home Mission Secretary Rev. Edgar Swanson is here on visit. Evangelist Mother Boyd and daughter Eileen held a week of services at Faith Mission with gospel messages, chalk talks, singing and accordion music, also one week here at the local church. They were consecrated and gifted women; they did much for every body from the youngest to the oldest. A call to Rev. G. Harry Nelson (Chicago). We would pay what we possibly could. Parsonage cleaned and redecorated. Georgia Lyrene brought up the subject of buying in the land between the church and street, so that it would not be bought by undesirables. $100.00 was paid down on the lots. No help from Covenant on transporting Nelson's furniture. Rev. Engstrom stressed very much that the congregation should always stand by the pastor as he is God's messenger to the group. James Holloway expressed that by all means accept financial help from Covenant toward pastor's salary. Arthur Forsman stressed again the need for the local pastor to stay here in this church and not share time with Mission Stations and to discontinue connection with Faith Mission. Pastor's salary $125.00 free parsonage and $25.00 a month toward car expenses.
Cleanup and fumigate entire tower or steeple room to free it of bats. $25.00 contributed to the church by Rev. Engstrom. Home Mission Secretary Reverend Edgar Swanson said that the duties of the local pastor is threefold: first, to serve local church, second, serve Faith Mission, third, serve as Alabama representative. Mr. Ang. Larson (Greenwood) did repair work on parsonage and garage. A letter of thanks to him in care of Rev. Fritz Erickson since he was soon to go north. Olson Brothers (Axel and Oscar) to do necessary painting on parsonage. Music committee Mrs. Lundberg, Mrs. Ted Forsman, James Holloway to select a new hymnbook. Selected "Christian Service Songs", since they have orchestration, if wanted.
Indoor restrooms to be installed before Daily Vacation Bible School should begin. Reception held for Rev. and Mrs. G. Harry Nelson. Plans are being made for the 50th anniversary to be held next year. Faith Mission to contribute more toward pastor's salary. The Church had begun furnishing the parsonage. Young Camp at Camp Glory, a blessing to our Covenant youth. New members Rev. and Mrs. G. Harry Nelson. Rev. Nelson suggests that "Home Altars" be procured for each Church family in attendance. Thirty-eight members up to date. Covenants High Counselor George Lyrene, Covenant Young People Counselor Mrs. Lundberg, Betty (Leonard) Havel President. A church bulletin discussed.
The men of the church should be more concerned with the boys and young men in the Sunday school and church. Junior meetings after school on Wednesdays, first grade through sixth. Trustee's responsibility outlined: the church, the parsonage and the church finances. They are to meet once a month.
Fellowship Dinner on New Year's Day followed by annual business meeting. Treasury $29.62, Sunday School Treasury $168.30. Sunday School Superintendent James Holloway and teachers hold quarterly meetings. Sunday school orchestra started again. Sunday school is growing again, and a class is divided. Mrs. Ted Forsman teacher for girls, Charles Holloway teacher for boys. Decided to have three Deacons and three Deaconesses. Financial help still needed from Covenant so the church is still under the guidance. Members absent a year with church receiving no financial support, they are to be contacted and withdrawn.
New bylaw: more than half the members to be present when calling a new pastor. New Constitution accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Hirz new Deacon and Deaconess. Miss Astrid Lander added to the list of pianists available. Sunday School Superintendent James Holloway, Pianist Mrs. Ted Forsman, Ushers Mr. Hirz and Charles Holloway.
Plans formulating for 50th Anniversary. Evangelistic Otteson to be guest speaker, and to hold a week of services. Church Family Night once a quarter. Anniversary Committees: Program, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Forsman and James Holloway; Hospitality, Mrs. Charlie Pearson and Mrs. Fred Hirz; Historical, Arthur Forsman, Charlie Johnston, Mrs. Conway Edhegard. New projects for year; paint exterior, care of windows, exhaust fan, folding tables for fellowship dinners, a nursery room, refinishing floor in new addition, repair roof. Ask Covenant to match money in furnishing parsonage attractively. Fifty more hymnbooks "Christian Service" were purchased. Deep concern over the children and young people not staying for morning services. Unified service once a month without intermission, the service to be unusual and for all ages. Treasury now $683.37. New members Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holloway, Mrs. James Gudmundsen (Arlene Breedon). Try again to be more self-supporting, try budget system. Janitor's salary $2.00 a month. Ted Forsman, George Lyrene build folding tables. George Lyrene to represent Silverhill Covenant in "Frontier Friends" a fund to help build new Covenant Churches in America.
Rev. Nelson appointed delegate to National Conference in Turlock, California. He also asked that they have one month vacation. Discussion on dropping responsibility of Faith Mission.
Rev. Nelson becomes very seriously ill on return home from Conference (heart attack). Although unable to preach for two months, he is kept on salary. The pulpit is filled by: Mr. Mann, Rev. Albert Dwight (ex-Chinese missionary, Greenwood Pastor), Rev. Engstrom (North and South River Park). Pay $5.00 a service to substitutes. Rev. Nelson's recovery is slow, he resigns due to health. "Covenant Men's Fellowship" has been organized by Rev. Nelson among all Covenant Men in the County, which is now a very strong organization. The United Brotherhood with the Baptist men was discontinued. The County Covenant Women's Auxiliary was organized under the leadership of Mrs. Nelson, with Mrs. George Lundberg being the first President. This organization has done much in their projects throughout the years (1952-1962). A farewell was tendered Rev. and Mrs. Nelson and a gift of $100.00 was presented them.
Church President George Lyrene. Arrival of Rev. and Mrs. Carlson, two wonderful old people, but very young, enthusiastic, and inspirational in spirit. There would be a church “Painting Party”, Conway Edhegard and Ed Lyrene in charge. $200.00 left in the “Church Pew” fund reported by Mr. Soelberg. Committee Ted and Arthur Forsman and Mr. Hirz to see about it. Thanks to Working Band Class for much financial assistance.
New President Charles Holloway, Vice-Secretary Mrs. James Holloway, New Trustee Ed Lyrene, Sunday School Superintendent James Holloway, Assistant George Lyrene, Pianist Mrs. Ted Forsman, assistant Mrs. George Lyrene, Cradle Roll Superintendent Mrs. Leslie Chandler, Deacon and Deaconess Mr. and Mrs. Hirz, Ushers Mr. Hirz and Charles Holloway; Sunday School Secretary Mrs. S. Edhegard, assistant Mrs. Charles Holloway. Four special national offerings during year: Foreign Mission, Home Mission, Christian Education, World Relief. Greetings from Rev. and Mrs. K. Berlin.
Platform drapes installed. Rev. Carlson goes to conference in Chicago as delegate from church. Rev. David Venberg a student pastor for the summer. Instead of buying pews the money was used to buy 20 chairs for choir, etc., put the remaining money in the bank. The building and lighting of indoor restrooms by Charley Pearson, Charles Johnston, Arthur Forsman. A call to Mother Boyd for services while in area. “Miss Eilene” was not with her. Offering was lifted to help the William Kulicka family whose illness is causing him to become an invalid. New members; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Gates, Miss Hettie Buckalew, Mrs. and Mrs. Woodrow Byrd, Mrs. Agnes Wainwright, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chandler, and Mrs. W. E. Stephens. Clothes are sent to Korea. The bus garage is remodeled into a Sunday School classroom. Rev. and Mrs. Carlson leave for Chicago to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mr. Chandler volunteered to light heaters for warming the church for Sunday School and services. A heater is installed in pastor’s study.
Fellowship Dinner New Year’s Day followed by annual meeting. Greetings read from Rev. and Mrs. G. Harry Nelson and Rev. and Mrs. Joel Nordlund. Covenant Secretary of Youth Dept. here Feb. 7. Assistant Cradle Roll Superintendent Mrs. W. E. Stephens. Ushers Mr. Hirz and Mr. Les Chandler. Young People’s work: the pastor and James Holloway, George Lyrene and Jane Sturma, also Mrs. James Gudmundsen. Since Rev. Carlson was here as “interim” pastor, a call was sent to Rev. J. Edward Peterson, Eureka, California. Youth Camp, with each Covenant church sending a counselor.
Rev. Carlson conducted a Confirmation Class while here. Bibles were presented to High School graduates. Missionary Mrs. Matson was Evangelistic speaker at Youth Camp and at the local church. An offering taken toward you CAMP. One of the projects of County Covenant Men’s Fellowship is to help finance this summer Youth Camp. A big “Chicken Fry” Supper is held each year. A farewell supper was tendered Rev. and Mrs. Carlson.
Trustees are to repair and paint up the parsonage and buildings before Rev. and Mrs. Peterson and family arrive. A “Reception and Pounding” was given the Peterson’s on their arrival. New members; Rev. and Mrs. J. Edward Peterson, Dixie Forsman, Gary Gates, Mrs. M. Morton, Leland and Claris Peterson. A “Golden Wedding Anniversary” was given at the church for Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Gates. Social Committee Mrs. Leslie Chandler and Mrs. W. E. Stephens

Since so many church families had children, a “Children’s Church” was organized and conducted with messages and songs for their understanding. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holloway in charge. Fire extinguishers bought for the church and parsonage. Denominational offerings taken with “Youth Work” being a new fund. Mrs. Ted Forsman represents the local church as Camp Counselor. Rev. Peterson is a delegate to the annual conference held at Princeton, Illinois. Mrs. Peterson elected choir director, social director Mrs. Ed Lyrene, new church officers: Chairman, Mr. Ted Forsman; Vice-Chmn., Charles Holloway; Secretary, Mrs. Charles Holloway; Vice-secretary, Mrs. James Holloway; new trustee, Conway Edhegard; Deacon and Deaconess, Mr. and Mrs. George Lyrene; Pianist, Mrs. Ted Forsman; assistant pianist, Mrs. Ed Lyrene; Sunday School pianist, Dixie Forsman; assistant, Leland Peterson; Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs. W. E. Stephens; Ushers, Messrs. L. Chandler, F. Hirz, C. Holloway; Youth counselors, Mr. and Mrs. George Lyrene. New member Leslie Richard Wainwright.
New organization “Pioneer Girls” Banquet given for High School graduates. Power lawn mower purchased. New washing machine purchased for parsonage. Mrs. Peterson is Youth Camp Counselor. An offering taken for Diamond Jubilee Advance of the Covenant Church of America. Literature purchased for children’s church. Mesdames Charles Holloway and George Lyrene in charge. $50.00 worth of shrubbery purchased and planted on church grounds for beautification. Rear room (old kitchen) insulated and glassed in for a nursery for mothers with very young children.
The Silverhill School is totally destroyed by fire, a very heavy and sad loss to the community. Churches offer Sunday School rooms for class rooms. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades teachers, Mrs. Lundberg, and Mrs. Ivan Carlson are to use Sunday School rooms at the Mission Covenant Church.
The “Julotta” services, early Christmas morning, 5:00 a.m. have become a tradition in the church. They have continued form 1902, but are now conducted in the English language.
Rev. Peterson was granted a leave of absence to go to California for his parents Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary. Discussion on building a new church, and using the old one for Sunday School and social activities. A building fund was started. Committee appointed to look into plans. New Trustee Ed Lyrene. New Usher Sidney Chandler. Deacon and Deaconesses Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pearson. Re. Peterson went to Conference at North Park College, Chicago, as delegate from the church. Missionary Dr. Arden Almquist, interne at City Hospital in Mobile, was a guest speaker at a service.
New members: Creighton “Peco” Forsman, Edward and Conway Lyrene, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Chandler, Allan Lyrene, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thomas, Mr. Shelton Stephens. New trustee, Mr. Leslie Chandler; Deacon and Deaconess, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler; Sunday School Pianist, Leland Peterson; assistant Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs. George Lyrene. Morning ushers, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Hirz, Mr. Arthur Forsman; evening ushers, Peco Forsman, Edward and Allan Lyrene. Youth Counselors, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Forsman; Children’s Church leader, Mrs. Ed Lyrene.
Church is incorporated under the name “Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of Silverhill”. Rev. Honnette was the guest speaker for a combined service and for the “Ground Breaking” for the new church. Fellowship Dinner followed. Joined with Greenwood Covenant Church for a Mission service. Rev. Peterson again delegate to annual Conference. Mrs. Ed Lyrene and Mrs. L. Chandler appointed to purchase gifts for graduates. New member Mrs. Bergbom.
Ground Breaking - Silverhill Mission Covenant Church
LtoR standing:
Conway Edhegard, Ed Lyrene Sr., Pete
Plutch (builder), Louie Brohn (builder), George Lyrene, Leslie Chandler, Rev.
J. Ed Peterson.
LtoR kneeling:
James Holloway, Ted Forsman.
Letters of appreciation were sent to all who had contributed money, labor, material to the building of the new church. The new church was dedicated with Covenant President Dr. T. W. Anderson as guest speaker. Dedication Committee were Rev. and Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. L. Chandler, James Holloway, George Lyrene, Ted Forsman. Fellowship Supper was held on Saturday night with a Unified Service on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Peterson presented the church with a new pulpit. (Note: the church suffered a deep loss in the passing away of three stalwart Christians; Mr. Soelberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston).

A sidewalk laid along new church. Shrubbery planted around the church. A few changes in officers: Secretary, Mrs. Jim Holloway; assistant Superintendent of Sunday School, Ted Forsman; assistant Sunday School Sec., Mrs. Shelton Stephens; Sunday School pianist, Clarice Peterson; assistant pianist, Dixie Forsman. Social Secretary, Mrs. Sidney Chandler, Children’s Church, Mrs. Ed Lyrene assisted by Mrs. George Lyrene, Mrs. Leslie Chandler and Mrs. James Holloway.
Delegates from Florida to Conference in Chicago will stop for a visit here in Silverhill. They are to be housed among members of the church with a Sunday dinner at the church. Gifts for High School graduates and Confirmation Class. Rev. and Mrs. Peterson to go as delegates to annual Covenant Conference in Miami.
In March of this year Faith Mission Chapel is closed and its members asked to come to Silverhill. (Note: This caused very sad hearts among the organizers, Ruth and Alida, founders, the Gust Corrells, Emil Havels, Novaks, and the present workers in the Sunday School and church, Mr. and Mrs. George Lundberg. The “Beacon Light” that was started in 1933 was now gone, and no spiritual meeting place is found in that neighborhood yet to this day [1962]. It had been a flourishing Sunday School and church for 25 years).
New members: Mr. and Mrs. George Wiggins, Paul and Raymond Lyrene, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearson, Dolores and Albert and Carl Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Havel. Necessary heaters were placed in the parsonage. A former pastor, Rev. Eric Danielson, holds Evangelistic services. New usher, Mr. Sidney Chandler; Director of Children’s Church, Mrs. George Wiggins.
Mr. Leslie Chandler with his boys Sunday School Class c.1958-59.
Prayer week is observed in the homes of Mrs. Agnes Wainwright, Arthur Forsman, and George Lyrene. Two other changes come about: The “Ladies Aid” is changed to “Covenant Women’s Fellowship,” The “Working Band Class” which has existed since about 1917 (Mrs. George Lundberg organizer, Mr. Charley Gustafson teacher) is now divided and has now become the “Young Married Couples Class” and the “Adult Class”. The W.B.C. as an organization was probably the oldest in Baldwin County having been organized back in the days of the (Non-Denominational) United Sunday School Association of Baldwin County and Alabama.
A Pulpit Committee was appointed: George Lyrene, Arthur Forsman, Ed Lyrene, James Holloway, Edward Lyrene, Jr. Individual contributions were given toward Rev. Roger Danielson of Miami church who was very seriously ill. Rev. Jospeh Danielson, Home Missions Secretary, recommends Paul Swanson, wife, and family, who finished Seminary in a year, to come for the summer months. The Missionary Crusade gave a service at the church January 19th. No delegates to Conference since the Petersons are leaving. A “Farewell” was tendered Rev. and Mrs. Peterson and family on their last Sunday following the evening service. Refreshments were served, and a money gift presented to them. New members: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Havel, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Owen, Jim Dickinson. A Welcome was tendered Rev. Paul, wife and family. The congregation was overjoyed to have Paul back, since he had spent some of his boyhood years here when his father, Rev. O R. Swanson, held the pastorate here. New members Rev. and Mrs. Paul Swanson.
The church gave Rev. Paul a call to return to the Silverhill Church as soon as he finishes Seminary, which is one more year. Rev. and Mrs. Simmons of Foley and family move into the parsonage when he is “interim” pastor. Nominating Committee Jim Owens, Mr. Hirz, George Wiggins and Albert Pearson. Auditor Mr. Sidney Chandler. Dr. Rev. Earl Danlstrom urged that all guest speakers have expenses paid. Greetings sent to the Paul Swansons of North Park Seminary. North Park College Gospel Team gave a most inspiring service on December 27th. A special offering was taken for them. Rev. Bob Hirsch, Greenwood Covenant Pastor, led the “Julotta” service. Two groups would visit the church the early part of the next year: “World Mission Crusade” and “Youth Caravan for Christ”. Revision of By-laws to read: “Two or more candidates for each office, the highest becomes the officer and the next lower the Vice position”.
Church officers: President Ted Forsman, Vice-President Mr. L. Chandler, Secretary Jim Owens, Vice-secretary Mrs. Jim Dickinson, New trustee Ivan Havel, Deacon and Deaconess Mr. and Mrs. L. Chandler. Sunday School Superintendent James Holloway, assistant Edward Lyrene, Jr.. Rev. Simmons contributed labor and improvements on the parsonage. Two young men to serve on Committee for Youth meetings. James Holloway stated that Sunday School wished to build Sunday School rooms within the main building of old church “Education Building”. Young People volunteered to paint the building on the exterior. Camp Committee is to be the Covenant pastors in the area, also the president of “Men’s Fellowship” and one church member. The chairman to be elected. A committee is to be appointed to select the Sunday School teachers and assign them to their departments. The pastor and George Lyrene appointed to purchase gifts for graduates.
A letter was written to the Covenant of the fine work done by Rev. Simmons as “interim” pastor. Air conditioners were installed in the new church and the Sunday School rooms, which would need them. The Paul Swansons arrive to take over the work of the church. A “Welcome Reception” was tendered them. New members: Mrs. Alonzo Ard, Mrs. Ernest Wigstrom, Adele Wigstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoffman. Nominating committee: Ed Lyrene, Mr. L. Chandler, Mrs. Ivan Havel, Mrs. James Holloway, Rev. Paul Swanson. Leader of Children’s Church is Mrs. Bill Hoffman. New organizations: Pathfinders, 1st thru 3rd grades; Trailblazers, 4th thru 6th grade; Confirmation Class, 7th and 8th grade; Covenant Hi, Jr. Sr. Hi.
Officers much the same as previous years. New trustee Ed Lyrene, Sr., Choir Director Peco Forsman, Evening ushers Sharon Holloway and Gloria Wigstrom, assistant leader of Children’s Church Mrs. Leslie Chandler, Song leaders Ted and Peco Forsman and Allan Lyrene. Rev. Swanson is delegate to annual Conference in Chicago, where he is ordained. On the return of Rev. Paul he gave a very comprehensive report on the Conference. He recommended that laymen attend the Conferences as well as pastors. New members Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ard. It was decided to improve back porch on parsonage by installing new model windows. Frank Vasko and son to do the work. Nominating committee: Mrs. Jim Owen, Jim Dickinson, Mrs. Sidney Chandler, Mrs. James Holloway, Rev. Paul Swanson.
The present officers up to date 1962 – 60th Anniversary of the church: President James Holloway, Vice-president George Lyrene, Secretary Sidney Chandler, Vice-secretary Mrs. Jim Dickinson, Deacon and Deaconess Mr. and Mrs. Jim Owen, New trustee Mr. Albert Pearson, Sunday School Superintendent Ted Forsman, Assistant Superintendent Bill Hoffman, Pianist Mrs. Ted Forsman, Assistant Mrs. George Lyrene, Youth Counselors Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sturma and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dickinson, Ushers Mr. Hirz, Sidney Chandler and Mr. L. Chandler, Children’s Church Mrs. Bill Hoffman, and Mrs. L. Chandler, Social Secretary Mrs. Shelton Stephens, Music committee Mrs. Paul Swanson, Mrs. George Wiggins, Mrs. W. D. Ard, Choir Director Mrs. Swanson. A book was presented each graduate.
New members Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sturma, Mrs. John Greggs, Sr., Mrs. Charles Swoboda. Rev. Paul Swanson went to the Mid-Winter Conference in Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Swanson and the children accompanied him for a visit with her parents who live there. A church announcement of Silverhill Covenant Church placed in Covenant Weekly for a year. The summer schedule of the Sunday School and Morning Service were set up one hour. Rev. Paul attended the Covenant Ministerial Meeting in Orlando, Florida.
The local Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Middlebrooks, has asked for the use of the Education Building (old church) for a Christmas program and party. She has some thirteen children enrolled.
Big plans on foot for the 60th Anniversary celebration that will be held on Sunday Nov. 18th instead of Tuesday Nov 20th, Mrs. Jim Owen, Mrs. Ivan Havel, Mrs. Eddie Sturma, Mr. George Lyrene, Rev. Paul Swanson; Historian Mrs. George Lundberg, assistant Historian Mrs. Leslie Chandler.
11:00 AM Morning Worship Service
- Theme: Our Heritage
- Pastor: Rev. Paul Swanson
3:00 PM Anniversary Service
- Special Music
- Presentation of History by Mrs. Lundberg
- Greetings from former Pastors
- Greetings from neighboring Pastors
4:30 PM Fellowship Supper
Officers and Workers
Sunday School
Superintendent Ted Forsman, assistant Superintendent Bill Hoffman; Cradle Roll Mrs. W. E. Stephens; Nursery Class Mrs. Paul Swanson; Beginners Class Mesdames Ed and George Lyrene; Primary Department Superintendent Mrs. Ted Forsman, Teachers the Mesdames Earl Forsman, W. D. Ard, Ivan Havel; Junior Dept. Bill Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chandler; Intermediate Dept. the Mesdames James Holloway and Harry Dahl; High school and adult Dept. the Messrs. Earl Forsman, Jim Holloway, George Lyrene and Rev. Paul Swanson.
Women’s Fellowship (Ladies Aid)
President Mrs. Jim Owen; Vice-president Mrs. Shelton Stephens; Sec-Treas. Mrs. Agnes Wainwright; Program committee Mesdames Sidney Chandler and Ivan Havel.
County Covenant Men’s Fellowship (1952)
President – Clarence Bixler (Robertsdale - Greenwood)
Vice-Pres. – Ivan Havel (Silverhill)
Secretary – George Lyrene (Silverhill)
Treasurer – Charles Bishop (Fairhope – North River Park)
- Christian Education Program
Hi League – Counselors - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dickinson
- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sturma
Trailblazers – Counselors Mrs. Jim Owens
- Mrs. George Lyrene
- Mrs. Shelton Stephens
Pathfinders – Counselors - Mrs. Paul Swanson
- Mrs. Ivan Havel
County Covenant Women’s Auxiliary (1952)
President – Mrs. Leslie Chandler (Silverhill)
Vice-Pres. – Mrs. Leo Langford (Fairhope – North River Park)
Sec-Treas. – Mrs. Clarence Bixler (Robertsdale – Greenwood)
We thank God for the wonderful guidance, love, and care which He has shown to the many who have served and worshiped Him through all these years, and who have gone in and out through these doors. Since I have lived here since the founding of the Colony and the founding of the Church it was indeed a privilege to write this History.
Louise J. Lundberg

Translated and Written by Louise J. Lundberg to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the church.
