Silverhill P.T.A. Founder's Day

on Saturday, February 24, 1973

Left to Right: Mrs. Henry (Janette) Legron, Mrs. Maxine Fendley, Mrs. Winston (Eleanor) Byrd.

Mrs. Henry (Janette) Legron, Mrs. Winston (Eleanor) Byrd, Mrs. Maxine Fendley. Their table represented Greece, with serving girls Debbie Williams and Gale Malone.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Janette) Legron and Mrs. Winston (Eleanor) Byrd seated at their table which represented Greece.

The Onlooker, Thursday, March 1, 1973
Click to Enlarge.

Each person attending was provided a booklet which measured about 7" x 9 3/4" printed on paper that was about 14" x 9 3/4" with green card stock paper as a cover. The pages were stapled in the center and folded in half, creating 31 pages.
Click here to download a PDF of the entire
Founder's Day Booklet.PDF

Below are images of each page. Click to enlarge.


Pages 2 and 3

Pages 4 and 5

Pages 6 and 7

Pages 8 and 9

Pages 10 and 11

Pages 12 and 13

Pages 14 and 15

Pages 16 and 17

Pages 18 and 19

Pages 20 and 21

Pages 22 and 23

Pages 24 and 25

Pages 26 and 27

Pages 28 and 29

Pages 30 and 31

This booklet is stored at the Silverhill Library.